Vector Bundles

Let and be a vector bundles. A bundle morphism over is a commutative diagramwith a map which is fibrewise linear. If is bijective on fibres, then we call the bundle morphism a bundle map. Thus we have categories of vector bundles with bundle morphism or bundle maps as morphisms.

命题 1. A bundle map over the identity is a bundle isomorphism.

证明. 略.

命题 2. If the previous diagram is a pullback in and a vector bundle, then there exists a unique structure of a vector bundle on such that the diagram is a bundle.

证明. 略.

Let be a right -principal bundle and an -dimensional representation of . Then the associated bundle is an -dimensional vector bundle. A bundle chart for induces a bundle chart for , and the vector space structure on the fibres of is uniquely determined by the requirement that the bundle charts are fibrewise linear.

We now show that vector bundles are associated to principal bundles. Let be an -dimensional real vector bundle. Let be the space of linear isomorphisms. The group acts freely and transitively on from the right by composition of linear maps. We have the set mapwith fibrewise -action. If is a bundle chart of , we defineto be a bundle chart for . The transition function for two such that charts has the formThis map is continuous, because is continuous. Therefore there exists a unique topology on in which the sets are open and is equivariant. This shows to be a -principal bundle. The evaluation induces an isomorphism .

命题 3. The assignment which associated to a -principal bundle the vector bundle is an equivalence of the category of -principal bundles with the category of -dimensional real vector bundles; the morphisms are in both cases the bundle maps.

证明. 略.


N.Bourbaki, Topologie Générale.