用户: Aripriner/Higher Algebra/monoids

定义 0.1. Let be an -category with finite products (in particular, has a final object ). A cartesian monoid in is a functor such that:




It satisfies the Segal condition, i.e. the Segal maps defines an equivalence Here are the collection of edges .

Let be the full sub--category spanned by cartesian monoids. If , these are also called -monoids. For we simply call them monoidal -category (note that these can be encoded as cocartesian fibrations over ).

命题 0.2. The completion functor restricts a fully faithful functor with essential image those pointed complete Segal spaces with .

In other words, monoids are really categories with one object (up to equivalence, but not up to contractible choices).
Under the equivalence , we have the functor decomp corresponds to a functor which bacomes an equivalence when restricted to the full subcategory spanned by the object with
Explicitly, this functor sends a pointed -category to in degree 1. We thus obtain

推论 0.3. If is an -category and , then carries a canonical structure of an -monoid.

定义 0.4. Let be an -category with finite porducts. A cartesian monoid in is called a cartesian group (or -group in the case where ) if the map is an equivalence. We denote by the full subcategory of cartesian groups.

命题 0.5. The equivalence restrict to equivalence

In fact, the equivalnece is explicitly given as follows:To see the equivalence is given by the functors, recall that the compositionsends by using and unravelling the definition. If is an -group, the result of this composition is just the corresponding anima by the simplicial anima is constant. And we have . Thus is sent to as claimed.
Conversely, the map just sends to in degree 1. To show that the functor acts like the loop functor, we just notice that .
In particular, we know that the functor and are equivalences.

命题 0.6. The inclusion has a left adjoint called group completion and denoted It is given by , where just like the above.

证明. We know the the inclusion has left adjoint and the adjunction can be extended to the slice category over the point . Moreover the parts on the both sides are preserved, thus descends to the left adjunction .
Now use the equivalence of Proposition 0.5, we get the left adjunction . To show it is the same as the functor above, we use the equivalence because both sides are in the -category and their restrictions on are both sending .

推论 0.7. The functor and form an adjunction

Now we discuss smoe examples. We begin with free monoids and groups.

命题 0.8. The evaluation functor has a left adjoint . And

命题 0.9. The evaluation functor has a left adjoint . It is given by the composite

注 0.10. Notice that the suspension functor is also a functor in the unpointed -category . In fact, it does not matter whether this colimit is taken in or since commutes with weakly contractible colimits (not any colimits by it does not preserve the initial object).
To check this, we need to show that the adjunction can be descended to the silce category. So we need to unit and counit are equivalence between the point . When is weakly contractible, .
Similarly, once we have chose a basepoint , it does not matter to take the pullback in or . This can be directly obtained by the fact that has a left adjoint.