用户: Aripriner/Lubin-Tate Theory

We always assume that all rings are commutative and have the unit 1. My main reference book is [J.S.Milne 2020]. [J.W.S.Cassels–A.Frohlich 1967] is also one classic book I use.

1Local Class Field Theory

We know that the composite of two abelian extensions of a field K is abelian. So we can talk about the maximal abelian extension of K, which is the union of all abelian extensions of K in a fixed algebraic closure . It is easy to see that its Galois group is the quotient of by the closure of its commutator subgroup.

An example of abelian extension is unramified extension. If L is an unramified extension over K, the Galois group is a cyclic group, hence abelian. So is generated by the Frobenius element such that for any .

Now we can give the statement of the main theorems of local class field theory:

定理 1.1 (Local Reciprocity Law). For every nonarchimedian local field K, we have a unique homomorphism with the following property:


For every uniformizer of K and any finite unramified extension L over K, is just the Frobenius element in .


For any finite abelian extension L over K, the restriction of the image of in is trival. And we have the isomorphism

We call and the local Artin maps for K and L/K. And the subgroups of of the form with L is an abelian finite extension over K are called the norm groups in .

定理 1.2 (Local Existence Theorem). These norm subgroups of abelian extensions in are exactly the open subgroups of finite index in .

In the view of philosophy, the local class field theory tells us that the structure of all abelian extensions is someway decided by the topological structure of the field itself.

Let us assume first that the theorems are right. I list some property of the norm groups without proofs:

命题 1.3. Let be a nonarchimedian local field. Then:


The map gives the bijection from the set of abelian finite extensions over K to the set of the norm groups of K.







Every subgroups of containing a norm subgroup is a norm subgroup.


For any extension L over K, if is of finite index in , then it is open. Specially, is open if is an abelian finite extension over .

By the local Artin maps, we get the isomorphisms These form an inverse system as L runs through all the abelian extensions over K. Passing to the limit, we get the isomorphism We can also know that Let an uniformizer of K. Thus we can have a decompositionwhere is the subfield fixed by and is fixed by . In another way, is the union of all finite abelian extensions L over K such that and is the union of all finite abelian extensions L over K such that .

In the reminder of this section, I will follow [J.S.Milne 2020] to give the outline of the proof of the theorems(the second method in [J.S.Milne 2020])

First, I will show that if the local existence theorem 1.2 holds, the uniqueness of the local Artin map is then proved.

命题 1.4. Assume Local Existence Theorem 1.2, then the there exist at most one homomorphism satisfying the conditions in Theorem 1.1.

证明. For every uniformizer , by proposition 1.3 and theorem 1.2, we have the extension such that , and in the decomposition 1 is exactly . So in is uniquely decied by the unique decomposition in 1. Because the group is generated by these uniformizers, the local Artin map is hence uniquely decided.

In [J.S.Milne 2020],Chapter 3, Theorem 3.4, the author uses group cohomology to prove the existence of the local Artin maps . It remains to prove the local existence theorem. Next we will show how to choose suitable abelian finite extensions to prove Theorem 1.2(Hence finish all Theorem 1.1).

命题 1.5. If we have a finite abelian extension of K for every positve integer n and uniformizer , and a homomorphism where , which has the following properties:


and are independent of the choice of



for all n, is in the norm of



for all m and n, for , here is the unramified extension of K with degree m.

Then Theorem 1.2 holds.

Let , . We first prove two lemmas.

引理 1.6. For all ,

证明. Trivial.

引理 1.7 (Local Kronecker-Weber Theorem). For every uniformizer ,

证明. Denote . By the property of the local Artin map, for any trivially acts in and , thus also trivially in . So . Denote , we have Hence . Now for any which is an abelian finite extension over K, by proposition 1.3, is open in . So it must contain some . Then again proposition 1.3, . It follows that .

The proof of proposition 1.5. We just need to prove that if is an open subgroup with finite index then is a norm group. But must contain some which is a norm group. Then by the proposition 1.3, is a norm group.

In the following sections, I will introduce the basic of Lubin-Tate theory to explicitly construct these extensions we want.

2Lubin-Tate Formal Group Laws

The fundamental tool in Lubin-Tate theory is Power Series. This definition makes the maximal ideal in the ring of integers a Galois module, which is very different from the usual additive group structure. Thus we can get very useful representations from it.

定义 2.1. Let A be a ring. A power series with coefficient in A is an infinite sequence with addition and multiplication structure given by This formula can be seen as a formal power series We can see that the power series consist a commutative ring, which we denote by .

For any two elements , we want to define their composition as usual expansion. But we notice that it exists only when . We list some simple properties of without proofs.

命题 2.2.


For and , the composition has association law:


For , there exists an element such that iff is a unit in A, in which g is unique and also

Now we will use power series to create a group!

定义 2.3 (Formal Group Law). Let A be a commutative ring. A one-parameter commutative formal group law is a power series such that




there exists a unique such that


注 2.4. Taking , the first equality implies that has an inverse, and the second implies . Thus . Similarly . Hence

定义 2.5. Let and be formal group laws. A homomorphism is a power series such that When there exists a homomorphism such that is called an isomorphism. We also say has an inverse. A homomorphism is called an endomorphism of .

For a formal group law and any , we denote .

We can check that for any formal group law and , the set has a natural abelian group structure and has a natural ring structure with multiplication .

We now try to construct one kind of special formal group law for a local field. We let the ring of integers in a nonarchimedian local field , and we choose a uniformizer . Denote as the cardinality of the residue field of .

定义 2.6. Let be the set of such that



引理 2.7. Let , and let be a linear form with coefficients in . There is a unique such that



证明. We prove by induction on r that there exists a unique polynomial of degree such that



For , clearly we can only choose as our first polynomial.

Suppose we have defined for some . In fact, because is unique, must be the form , where is a homogeneous polynomial with degree in . We need The left hand side is And the right hand side is So we need Thus if then we just make the terms of degree of the polynomial we want. This follows from and is a unit in .

命题 2.8. For every , there is a unique formal group law with coefficients in A admitting as an endomorphism.

证明. According to lemma 2.7, there is a unique power series such that the linear part of is and it commutes with . The commutativity and associativity then also follows from the uniqueness.

命题 2.9. For and , let be the unique element of such that



Then is a homomorphism .

证明. The existence of follows form lemma 2.7. To show it’s a homomorphism, we need to show Clealy the linear part of both side is , and Thus they are equal from the uniqueness in lemma 2.7

命题 2.10. For any , and

证明. Because both side has the same linear terms, this proposition follows from the uniqueness of lemma 2.7.

推论 2.11. by checking the definition.

推论 2.12. For any ,

In fact, we can choose which is the unique isomorphism such that

推论 2.13. For each , there is a unique endomorphism such that and commutes with . The map is an injective ring homomorphism.

We conclude what we have done in this section. For any , there exists a unique formal group law admitting as an endomorphism. And there is a unique module structure on such that


has linear terms .


commutes with .

We also have and for ,

3The Construction of the Extensions

In this section, , where is a nonarchimedian local field with finite residue field having (a power of ) elemnets. We fix a uniformizer . I will use formal group laws to construct the extensions .

First, we can uniquely extend the absolute value on to the algebraic closure . Let . For any with and , the series and converge. Thus we can define the module as:We define to be submodule of of elements annihilated by . Because and are isomorphic, the module and are isomorphic.

Note that is in fact a principal ideal domain, thus every finitely generated module can be written to the form

Now we prove a lemma:

引理 3.1. Let be an module, and let . Assume



is surjective

Then . In particular, it has elements.

证明. We use induction on n. When , by and the formula 3, must be .

For common case, consider the exact sequence

The exactness follows from condition 2. Then and . Again by formula 3, .

We can prove an interesting result now.

命题 3.2. The module is isomorphic to . Hence and .

证明. By what we discuss before, we can choose be a polynomial of the form . This is an Eisenstein polynomial. So it has distinct roots with all abusolte values smaller than 1([J.S.Milne 2020],p.129). Because , is indeed the set of the roots of . Thus has elements. And for any with its absolute value smaller than 1, we also know that the roots of have absolute value smaller than 1, hence belong to . By the lemma 3.1, .

引理 3.3. Let be a finite Galois extension of a local field , with Galois group . For every and ,

证明. Because the absolute value in L extended by the absolute value in K is unique, it is preserved by the Galois action. Hence every element in is continuous and commutes with the limit.

Now we construct the fields we want.

定理 3.4. Let denote the subfield of .


For each , is totally ramified of degree .


The action of on defines an isomorphism In particular, is abelian.


For each , is a norm from .

证明. We still asuume that the element in is .

For (1) and (2), we choose a nonzero root of and inductively a root of of . Consider the sequence of fields Each extension is Eisenstein with degree indicated above. Therefore is totally ramified over of degree ([J.S.Milne 2020],7.55).

Because is in fact the splitting fiels of , the Galois group can be seen a subgroup of the permutation group of . And the lemma 3.3 ensures that these elements of the Galois group are isomorphism. Thus So we must have all equalities. Thus and .

For (3), let (all n terms), so that Then . Because is monic with degree , it must be the minimal polynomial of over . Therefore, But when , , is clearly a norm.

In fact, this theorem tells us how to add reasonable elements to get these totally ramified extensions.

From the proof, we can see that the action of induces the isomorphism Passing to the inverse limit, we get the isomorphism

4The Construction of the Map

Now we have the extensions . We still need to construct the proper homomorphism .

Let . Because , we just need to describe the action of in and separately. Assume . We let act on as , and on following the rule

Now we prove

定理 4.1. Both and are independent of the choice of .

We know that is not complete([J.S.Milne 2020],exercise 7-7). In fact, even is not complete. We write for its completion and for the valuation ring of . We write as the Frobenius of , and also for its extension to . For a power series , we define to be the power series .

命题 4.2. Let and be the formal group laws defined by and , where and are two uniformizers of . Then and become isomorphic over . More precisely, there exists an such that , and a power series such that






The last two conditions say that is a homomorphism commuting with the actions of of , and the first conditon implies that is an isomorphism.

引理 4.3. The homomorphisms are surjective with kernels and respectively.

证明. Denote be the valuation ring in , and be its maximal ideal. Then . We prove the sequence

is exact by induction:

For , the sequence is

This is obviously right. Assume the sequence is exact of , and consider the diagram

By snake lemma, the homomorphism is surjective and that its kernel has elements. Because has elements and is contained is the kernel, it must be the kernel. Thus the sequence is exact for . Now pass to the inverse limit, we get the exact sequence

The proof for is similar.

We prove the proposition 4.2 by four steps:

Step 1

There exists satisfy the condition (1) and(2).

Step 2

The in Step 1 can chosen so that .

Step 3

The power series has the property characterizing , hence equals to it.

Step 4

The power series has the property characterizing , and therefore equals to it.

Proof of Step 1. Choose an such that (Lemma 4.3). Starting with , we will construct a sequence of polynomials such that Suppose has been found, and we wish to find the we want. Write . Then the second equation becomes Thus we need to be the coefficient of in . This is obvious by Lemma 4.3.

Proof of Step 2. Define Because and have coefficients in , The second equality follows from . Thus . Moreover, and Thus . Let . Then obviously satisfies the condition (1) of the proposition, and it also satisfies the conditon (b) because . Moreover,

Proof of Step 3 and 4. Just compute the equation then use the Lemma 2.7.

Now we finish the proof of Theorem 4.1. First, we prove a lemma:

引理 4.4. Every subfield of containing is closed.

证明. Let . Then fixes every element of , hence by continuity, fixes every element in the closure of . By Galois correspondence, the closure of is just . Thus is closed.

Proof for is independent of .

Let and be two uniformizers of . From Propositon 4.2 we find that so

Therefore, for any , Similarly, Thus defines a bijection , and so Hence By Lemma 4.4, So . Simliarly, for all . Hence .

Proof for is independent of . We need to show that for any twq uniformizers and Then for any uniformizers , , , we have then obviously and are the same.

On , both of them induce the Frobenius. It remains for .

Let be the isomorphism over as in Proposition 4.2. It induces an isomorphism for all . By definition, is trivial on , and since is generated over by the elements for , we need to show that Write , then . We know that is trivial in and on , is the Frobenius in and trivial on . So we have

J.S.Milne (2020). “Class field theory”. (web)

J.S.Milne (2020). “Algebraic number theory”. (web)

J.W.S.Cassels, A.Frohlich (1967). “Algebraic number theory: proceedings of an instructional conference”.