用户: Eee/Milnor&Stasheff


Prepare: Stepwise Extension of A Cross Section.

Reference: Basic Algebraic Topology and its Application by Mahima Ranjan Adhikari.

Definition 1.1. A path-connected topological space is said to -simple if there is point such that acts trivially on in the sense that each element of acts on as the identity.

This subsection considers the problems of constructing a cross section of a fiber bundle. Throughout this subsection it is assumed that for the fiber bundle , the base space is a finite CW-complex. Suppose that the fiber space is path-connected and -simple.

We assume that we have a partially defined cross section , the problem is to extend it over . In such a problem, obstruction may appear. Indeed, if is an -cell of , the cross section might describe a nontrivial element in and in this case will not have a continuous extension over . Consider the

As by hypothesis, is -simple, and is a topological -sphere, the function , is well defined and sends an -cell to an element of which is determined by through some random trivialization . Then can be extended by linearity and can be regarded as a -valued cochain, abbreviated .

Again for every -cell , we have . This shows that is a cocycle. Hence its cohomology class is an element of , the element is usually abbreviated .

Remark 1.2. Because being the zero indicator that all of these elements of vanish, it asserts that the given partially cross section can be extended to using the homotopy between and the constant map.

If we start with a different partially defined cross section that agrees with , then the resulting cocycle would differ from by a coboundary. This asserts that there is a well-defined element of the cohomology group such that if a partially defined cross section on exsits that agrees with the given choice on , then the cohomology class must be trivial. Its converse is also true as homotopy section is in the sense .

Definition 1.3. Given an -cell of , a function is defined by the rule .

Definition 1.4. The function of given is called the obstruction cocycle of and is sometimes denoted by .

The above discussion with corresponding notations leads to the following important results.

Theorem 1.5. A cross section over can be extended over iff vanishes for each -cell of .

Proof. Let be a base point of a given -cell of and be the fiber over . Choose an orientation of . Consider the oriented cell and oriented boundary. If is a cross section , define . As is -simple, the theorem follows.

Corollary 1.6. Given a fiber bundle whose fiber is a path-connected -simple space, then the element vanishes iff there are cross sections of defined over the -skeleton of that extend over the -skeleton.

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Now suppose that the base space is a CW-complex.

Definition 1.7. We say is -connected if is triviall for .

Steenrod shows that the fiber is -connected, so it is easy to construct a cross-section of over the -skeleton of .

There exists a cross-section over the -skeleton of if and only if a certain well defined primary obstruction class in is zero.

Setting , we will use the notation for this primary obstruction class. If is evern, and less than , then Steenrod shows that the coefficient group is cyclic of order , hence canonically isomorphic to . If is odd, or , the group is infinite cyclic. However it is not canonically isomorphic to (In general twisted).

In any case, there is certainly a unique non-trivial homomorphism from to . Hence we can reduce the coefficients modulo , obtaining an induced cohomology class .

Theorem 1.8. This reduction modulo of the obstruction class is equal to the Stiefel-Whitney class .