用户: Eee/Problem set on Geometry and Topology


2Milnor and Stasheff

Problem 1-C

  For any smooth manifold show that the collection of smooth real valued functions on can be made into a ring, and that every point determines a ring homomorphism and hence a maximal ideal in .

  If is compact, show that every maximal ideal in arises this way from a point in .

  More generally, if there is a countable basis for the topology of , show that every ring homomorphism is obtained in this way. Thus the smooth manifold is completely determined by the ring .


  First, the collection is naturally a ring with the regular addition and multiplication. Now we consider the ring homomorphism more specifically. For any , we set and then becomes a ring homomorphism naturally. Then we need to show is a maximal ideal of ring .

  We remark that , and for any , we have , which shows is an ideal. For the maximality, for any , we show that .

  Since , we see . Consider the constant map , , then which implies . Then . Specially, the multiplicative identity , then we see . (Actually, we just used a algebraic property: the kernel of a ring homomorphism is a maximal ideal, if the image ring is a field.)

  Then we move on to the second question, let be any maximal ideal in . First we state that there is a point such that for any . Otherwise, for any point , there exists a function s.t. . By the smoothness of , there exists a neighborhood of such that is nowhere in . Then we get an open covering of , by the compactness of , it has a sub-covering of . Hence we have satisfying is nowhere in . We set , then and in the entire . Then exists, and the multiplicative identity , then , a contradiction! Thus there is a point such that for any , from the last question, we have a maximal ideal and apparently . By the maximality of these two ideals, they are identical.

  The ring homomorphism defines a maximal ideal, the kernel ring. Actually, the compactness of is not necessary. For a second countable space, i.e. there is a countable topology basis, any open covering has a countable sub-covering. Back to the last paragraph, the open covering (additionally, we choose small enough s.t. is compact) has a countable sub-covering . Then we have a function set satisfying is nowhere in .

  Since is compact, we consider a greater open set satisfying is still compact. Then is bounded in due to the compactness of . Consider a special smooth function s.t. and . Then we define , where is a constant small enough s.t. . Thus, we could define the desired function . We could verify that is convergent and positive at every point of . Similar to the last question, we could show that this maximal ideal arises from a point of and the point is unique.

  Thus, every ring homomorphism defines a maximal ideal, which is proved to be identical to a maximal ideal defined by a unique point.

Problem 3-E

  Show that the set of isomorphism classes of -dimensional vector bundles over forms an abelian group with respect to the tensor product operation. Show that a given -bundle possesses a Euclidean metric if and only if represents an element of order in this group.


  The last problem is interesting. We assert that if the bundle is orientable and possesses a Euclidean metric, then is trivial.

  If possesses a Euclidean metric , then assigns every fiber two vectors and satisfying , where .

  If is orientable, then we could choose a vector on every , which then becomes a global section . The continuity of is given by the continuity of . Since has a non-where zero global section , then is trivial.

  Note that is always orientable, and we could endow a Euclidean metric induced by , thus is trivial.

Problem 3-F

  Let be a Tychonoff space and let denote the ring of continuous real valued functions on . For any vector bundle over , let denote the -module consisting of all cross-sections of .


Show that .(This is trivial.) Show that is trivial if and only if is free. (If is free, then it possesses a basis which consisits of non-where dependent cross-sections making trivial.)


If is trivial, show that is a finitely generated projective module. Conversely if is a finitely generated projective module over , show that for some .


  Since which is a free module, then is projective. If is a finitely generated projective module, then there exists another module such that .

  Then we construct a trivial bundle on . Let be a basis of the , and then we could denote by . Then we consider the subbundle , then we could show that this is a bundle on such that .


Show that if and only if .(Trivial)




  我们证明一个一般性结论: 若流形 是紧致流形 的边界, 则 是偶数.

   沿边界 粘在一起得到闭流形 , 取 分别是包含第一、二个 的开集, 且满足 同伦等价于 , 及 同伦等价于 . 有 M-V 序列.

   是奇数, 则 . 若 是偶数, 则 是奇数, 故 , 推出 是偶数.

  回到此题, 推出 , 故 不能作为三维紧致流形的边界.


  我们用配边理论中的 Stiefel-Whitney class 来解决.

   的 Stiefel-Whitney class, 是非平凡元, 有.

   是生成元, 则 Stiefel-Whitney 数   由 Pontrjagin 定理: 若紧致流形 有边界 , 则 的所有 Stiefel-Whitney 数均为 . 故 不能作为三维紧致流形的边界.

3Poincaré Hopf theorem

Definition 3.1. The index of vector field in .

  Consider first a vector field on an open set with an isolated zero at . We can define a function by . If is , mapping into , then the map has a certain map degree.

  It is independent of , for small , since the maps corresponding to and will be smoothly homotopic.

  The degree is called the index of at .

Lemma 3.2. If is a diffeomorphism with and has an isolated zero at , then the index of at equals the index of at .

Proof. Suppose first that is orientation preserving. Define by This is a smooth homotopy.

  Each map is clearly a diffeomorphism, . Note that , since is orientation preserving. There is also a smooth homotopy , with each and , since is connected. So, the map is smoothly homotopic to the identity, via maps which are diffeomorphisms.

  This shows that is smoothly homotopic to on a sufficiently small region of . Hence the degree of is the same as the degree of .

  To deal with non-orientation preserving , it obviously suffices to check the theorem for . In this case which shows that degree of equals the degree of .

  As a consequence of the last lemma, we can now define the index of a vector field on a manifold.

Definition 3.3. The index of vector field on manifold.

  If is a vector field on a manifold , with an isolated zero at , we choose a coordinate system with , and define the index of at to be the index of at .

There is an amazing theorem, and I haven’t read the proof.

Theorem 3.4. A closed and connected manifold has a non vanishing vector field if and only if .



Show that is a smooth manfiold, and find its fundamental group.


   视作空间 的子集, 由 给出了 个不同的多项式函数, 再辅以 可证明其上点都是光滑的, 故该簇的光滑点全体即为 , 进而 是光滑流形.

  我们再证明 拓扑同胚于 . 表示 中的旋转全体, 给定一个点 , 则 确定了一个定向的旋转轴, 按该定向确定的旋转方向旋转 , . 注意到 , . 因此 , 其中 由前面给出.

  定义映射 , . 当我们将 等同时 (), 得到双射 到三维欧式空间中单位球的双射. 再粘合 , 得到 的双射, 容易验证这是同胚. 故 , 进而 .


The unit tangent bundle of is the subset Show that is a smooth submanifold of the tangent bundle and is diffeomorphic to .


  We only prove the second question. From the last problem, it suffices to show that .

  Firstly we choose an orthonomal frame in and for any point in , there is a unique element in , rotating to and to . Then we only need to show the map is a diffeomorhism.