用户: Guoh064/现代密码学 (英)/Sept 13th

About grades:

Totally 3 tests, each test is 30%.

2 projects, 15% totally. (e.g. attack Matsumoto–Imai.)

Office Hour: Thursday from 18:00 to 19:00, Jinchunyuan 131;

e-mail: jtding@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

1Symmetric cryptography

Modern cryptography? Symmetry cryptography.

Sender and receiver; AES;

Ceasar; Enigma; U-boat;

plaintext, ciphertext;

1960-70s, large computer network.

symmetric cryptography needs key exchange.

PQC: 1994, Shor; 2000, I Chuang, factoring using quantum computer.

2015, NSA; 2016, NIST calls for PQC standard;

2022 July 5th, KYBER, Dilithium, FALCON, Sphinc;

Lattice is versatile;


Ceasar Cipher

. We need bijective map.

, so 5 is good.

Permutation (Shuffle).

e, t, ..., frequency check.

make two letters to two letters table. makes 26 to 26*26!

mathematical function for shuffling!

using computers to help. encoding!



, we have vector spaces on .

DES: 64-dimension vector space.

must be highly nonlinear.

Encryption and Decryption share the same steps

usage of de Jonquières map.

S-boxes of elements shuffle.


attacks: linear attack and algebraic attack.