用户: Cybcat/数学物理学家用的数学/Anomaly

The present article is a gentle introduction to some mathematical aspects of the BCOV holomorphic anomaly equations, which represent a beautiful generalization of the classical mirror symmetry. The classical mirror symmetry states that counting the rational curves in a Calabi–Yau threefold (A-model) is equivalent to studying the variation of Hodge structures of its mirror Calabi–Yau threefold (B-model). Higher genus mirror symmetry is concerned with counting the higher genus curves in a Calabi–Yau threefold. While Gromov– Witten theory rigorously defines a mathematical theory of counting curves of any genus and thus higher genus A-model makes sense at all genera, the higher genus B-model, a generalization of the theory of variation of Hodge structures, has been much more mysterious.

1特殊 Kahler 几何

我们的设定如下: 是某光滑 CY 3-流形复结构的模空间 , 记 . 向量场带有 Gauss–Manin 联络 和自然的权 Hodge 分次 , 具体地即然后全纯线丛 被称为真空丛 (Vacuum bundle). 另外局部上我们选取一个 并将 的纤维等同 . 其上带有 (辛) 配对 . 在此配对下可选择一组 (辛) 基 以及它们的对偶基 满足 .