用户: Scavenger/Deformation Theory

Our goal in these notes is to present the deformation theory for -rings. We will prove Elkik’s algebraization theorem as an illustrating application.

1Relative Adjunctions

Let be an -category. The isofibrations over form a locally Kan simplicial category, so we have the corresponding notion of adjunctions of isofibrations over .

Proposition 1.1. Let be an -category, let be isofibrations over , let be a map such that . Assume that for each object , there exists an object and an edge in such that is an isomorphism in , and for each object , the composition is an equivalence, then there exists a map that is a left adjoint of as maps of isofibrations over .

Proof. Just as in the case of ordinary -categories, one can construct (and the other data of an adjunction) first on points, then on edges, and then on -simplexes and so on. Nothing will go wrong if one proceeds correctly since everything should be determined up to contractible space of choices. Details omitted.

Proposition 1.2 ([1] Proposition 1.20). Let be an -category, let be locally cartesian isofibrations over , let be a map such that . Then admits a left adjoint relative to if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) For every object , the map of fibers admits a left adjoint.

(ii) The map carries locally -cartesian morphisms in to locally -cartesian morphisms in .

2Stable Envelopes and Tangent bundles

Definition 2.1 ([1] Definition 1.1). Let be a presentable -category. A stable envelope of is an isofibration of -categories with the following properties:

(i) is stable and presentable.

(ii) admits a left adjoint.

(iii) For every presentable stable -category , composition with induces an equivalence of -categories . Here is the full subcategory of spanned by those functors that admit left adjoints, and is defined similarly.

More generally, suppose that is a presentable fibration of -categories. A stable envelope of is an isofibration of -categories with the following properties:

(i) The composition is a presentable fibration.

(ii) carries -cartesian morphisms to -cartesian morphisms.

(iii) For every object , the map of fibers is a stable envelopes of .

Stable envelopes satisfy a universal property:

Proposition 2.2 ([1] Proposition 1.9). Let be a presentable fibration of -categories. Then there exists a functor of -categories with the following properties:

(i) is a stable envelope of .

(ii) Let be a presentable fibration, such that each fiber of is a stable -category. Then composition with induces an equivalence , where is the full subcategory of spanned by those functors that admits a left adjoint relative to , and is defined similarly.

(iii) Let be another stable envelope of , then there exists an equivalence of -categories relative to such that .

Definition 2.3 ([1] Definition 1.12). Let be a presentable -category. A tangent bundle to is a functor which exhibits as a stable envelope of the presentable fibration .

Proposition 2.4 ([1] Proposition 1.13). Let be a presentable -category, then the tangent bundle is presentable.

Proposition 2.5 ([1] Proposition 1.14). Let be a presentable -category, let be a tangent bundle to , let denote the composition , let be a small simplicial set, then:

(i) A diagram is a colimit diagram if and only if is a -colimit diagram, and is a colimit diagram in .

(ii) A diagram is a limit diagram if and only if is a -limit diagram, and is a limit diagram in .

Construction 2.6 ([1] Definition 1.22). Let be a presentable -category, using Proposition 1.2, we see that the map admits a left adjoint relative to , which we denote by . The absolute cotangent complex functor is defined to be the composition , where the first map is the diagonal embedding. We will denote the value of on an object by (usually viewed as an object in the fiber of over ), and we refer to as the cotangent complex of .

Since the diagonal embedding is a left adjoint to the evaluation map , we deduce that the cotangent complex functor is a left adjoint to the composition .

3Relative Cotangent Complexes

Construction 3.1 ([1] Definition 1.39). Let be a presentable -category, and let be a tangent bundle to . A relative cofiber sequence in is a diagram :

in satisfying the following conditions:

(i) The map factors through the projection , so the vertical arrows above become degenerate in .

(ii) The diagram is a pushout square in .

(iii) is a zero object in the corresponding fiber of .

Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the relative cofiber sequences. Then restriction to the upper half of the diagram above gives a trivial Kan fibration . The relative cotangent complex functor is defined to be the composition , where is a section of , and is given by restricting to the lower right vertex of the above diagram. We will denote the image of a morphism of under the relative cotangent complex functor by .

Proposition 3.2 ([1] Proposition 1.43). Let be a presentable -category, let be a tangent bundle to . Suppose given a commutative diagram

in , then the resulting diagram

is a pushout diagram in .

Proposition 3.3 ([1] Proposition 1.45). Let be a presentable -category, let be a tangent bundle to , and let be the composite map . Suppose given a pushout diagram

in . Then the induced map is a -cocartesian morphism in .

4The Tangent Bundle of the -Category of -Rings

Let denote the -category of -rings. Let denote the -category of modules of over the commutative operad, so there is a natural isofibration and a forgetful functor . Our goal in this section is to show that the tangent bundle to is equivalent to , and the functor can be think of bringing the pair (where is a module over ) to the map .

Proposition 4.1 ([1] Theorem 1.78). Let be a tangent bundle to , then there exists a map which is an equivalence of presentable fibrations over .

Remark 4.2. Of course a mere equivalence is not sufficient for our usage. In the proof of [1] Theorem 1.78 this equivalence is constructed explicitly. Let me list some properties this equivalence should possess:

(i) The two functors and (where the second map is the forgetful functor) together merge into a functor , whose image consists of product diagrams in .

(ii) Let us denote an image of the above functor by the diagram

Then when passing to homotopy groups, the above diagram exhibits the graded commutative ring as the canonical square zero extension of the graded commutative ring by the -module .

Sorry that I don’t know whether these properties are sufficient for our usage, nor whether these properties are characterizing.

From now on we fix an equivalence as in Proposition 4.1 (see the proof of [1] Theorem 1.78 for an explicit construction), and we use this equivalence to identify elements of with elements of .

5Properties of Cotangent Complexes of -Rings

Proposition 5.1 ([1] Corollary 2.5). Let be a morphism of connective -rings. Assume that is -connective, for some (meaning that is -connective), then the relative cotangent complex is -connective. The converse holds provided that induces an isomorphism .

Corollary 5.2 ([1] Corollary 2.6). Let be a connective -ring, then is connective.

Proposition 5.3 ([1] Corollary 2.8). Let be a map of connective -rings. Assume that is -connective for some . Then the induced map is -connective. In particular the canonical map is an isomorphism.

Proposition 5.4 ([1] Lemma 2.10). Let be a discrete -ring, then in the category of (discrete) -modules. Moreover, this isomorphism can be chosen to depend functorially on .

Proposition 5.5 ([1] Proposition 2.11). Let be a morphism of connective -rings. Then:

(i) is connective.

(ii) in the category of (discrete) -modules. Moreover, this isomorphism can be chosen to depend functorially on .

Lemma 5.6 ([1] Proposition 2.22). Let be an etale morphism of -rings, then vanishes.



Jacob Lurie, “Derived Algebraic Geometry IV: Deformation Theory”, October 8, 2009 version, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/DAG-IV.pdf


Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HA.pdf


The Stacks project authors, “The Stacks project”, https://stacks.math.columbia.edu