用户: Scavenger

This is the place where I write some random notes.

I feel that if I truely understand a theory or something, I should either have the ability to prove it in full detail, or I should know how to state the definitions and theorems explicitly and convince myself that they are correct. If I feel that I’m able to do neither of the above requirements after I’ve learned a new stuff, I will try to write down a notes.

So the principal demand for the notes here is that every thing should be correct. My writing style might be as concise as possible without violating the above requirement.

When there already exists some written down material that I think is clear enough, I feel it is rather meaningless to copy the proof so I’ll give a reference instead.

Here begins the list of the notes.



Fun Facts!

Recording Some Facts

Set Theory (and conventions)

-Category and Higher Algebra

Simplicial Commutative Rings

Derived Completeness

Deformation Theory of -Rings

Formal Schemes

Prismatic Cohomology