用户: Scavenger/Derived Completeness

We discuss the notion of derived complete (or simply complete) modules over an -ring, following [1] Chapter 4.

Let be an ordinary ring. There exists an (essentially unique) equivalence between the -category of modules over the -ring and the derived -category that respects symmetric monoidal structures, -structures, and whose restriction to the hearts of both -categories is equivalent to , where is the -category of ordinary -modules (identified with the hearts of both two -categories through the natural functors). See [2] Subsection 7.1.2 for more details. Using this equivalence, we can transfer the theory of complete modules over the -ring to a theory of derived complete complexes over . We will show that this theory coincides with that of [3] tag 091N.

The -categorical approach has many advantages compared with [3] tag 091N. For example, it is not so obvious that the derived completion of an -algebra admits the structure of an -algebra in view of the approach of [3] tag 091N. However, this is rather immediate using the -categorical approach.

1Nilpotent Modules

Definition 1.1 ([1] Definition 4.1.1, Definition 4.1.3). Let be an ordinary ring, let be a discrete -module, let be an element. We let denote the set . We refer to as the support of .

Let be an -ring, let be an ideal. We say that an -module is -nilpotent if for every and every object , we have . We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -nilpotent modules.

Proposition 1.2 ([1] Proposition 4.1.6). Let be an -ring, let be an ideal. Then is stable under translations and small colimits.

Proposition 1.3 ([1] Corollary 4.1.7). Let be an -ring, let be an ideal. Let be -modules such that is -nilpotent, then is -nilpotent.

2Local Modules

Definition 2.1 ([1] Definition 4.1.9). Let be an -ring, let be an ideal. An -module is said to be -local if is contractible for every -nilpotent -module . We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -local modules.

Notation 2.2 ([1] Notation 4.1.10). Let be an -ring, let . We let denote the (essentially unique) -ring over that is an etale -algebra and as -algebras. Let be an -module, we let .

Proposition 2.3 ([1] Proposition 4.1.12). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Then there exists an -nilpotent -module and a map of -modules such that the functor is a right adjoint to the inclusion .

Moreover, the module can be explicitly described as follows: Let be a set of generators of . For , let , then .

Notation 2.4 ([1] Notation 4.1.13). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. We let be a right adjoint to the inclusion .

Proposition 2.5 ([1] Proposition 4.1.15). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Then the -category is compactly generated, and the inclusion carries compact objects to compact objects.

2.6 ([1] Remark 4.1.20). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. There exists an accessible -structure on such that and . In particular the inclusion admits a left adjoint, which we will denote by , and we have a fiber sequence of functors from to itself. Since the functor preserves small colimits, so does the functor . Consequently the full subcategory is stable under small colimits.

Proposition 2.7 ([1] Remark 4.1.23). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Let be an -local -module, then for any -module , the -module is -local.

Proposition 2.8 ([1] Proposition 4.1.25). Let be an -ring, let be finitely generated ideals. Then is generated under extenstions by the full subcategories of .

3Complete Modules

Definition 3.1 ([1] Definition 4.2.1). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. We say that an -module is -complete if is contractible for every -local -module . We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -complete modules.

Proposition 3.2 ([1] Lemma 4.2.2). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Then there exists an accessible -structure on the -category such that and . In particular the inclusion functor admits a left adjoint, which we will denote by .

Proposition 3.3 ([1] Remark 4.2.4). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Let be a morphism of -modules which induces an equivalence . Let be an -module, then the map is an equivalence.

Proposition 3.4 ([1] Proposition 4.2.5). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Then the -completion functor induces an equivalence of -categories , whose inverse is given by the restriction of to .

Proposition 3.5 ([1] Proposition 4.2.7). Let be an -ring, let be an element. Let be an -module, let , where is multiplication by . Then is -local, and is -complete.

Proposition 3.6 ([1] Corollary 4.2.10). Let be an -ring, let be an element, let be a finitely generated ideal. Then the -completion functor carries -complete modules to -complete modules.

Proposition 3.7 ([1] Proposition 4.2.11). Let be an -ring, let be an element, let be a finitely generated ideal, let . For every -module , the composition exhibits as the completion of .

Proposition 3.8 ([1] Corollary 4.2.9). Let be an -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. Let be an -module such that for , , then the same condition holds for .

Proposition 3.9 ([1] Theorem 4.2.13). Let be a connective -ring, let be a finitely generated ideal. An -module is -complete if and only if for each , the -module is -complete.

4Coincidence with [3] tag 091N

4.1. Let be an -ring, let be an element, and write . Since preserves small colimits and is generated under small colimits by ([2] Proposition, is generated under small colimits by , where . Thus an -module is -complete if and only if for all .

Now assume is discrete, so we identify with . Let be a finitely generated ideal. It follows from the above discussion that a complex of -modules is -complete in our sense if and only if it is derived -complete in the sense of [3] tag 091S.


Remark 5.1. Enlargement of universes has no effect on the notions of nilpotence, locality, and completeness defined above.

5.2. Let be an ordinary ring, let denote the category of (discrete) -modules. Let be a finitely generated ideal, a discrete -module is called -complete if it is -complete as an module over the -ring . We use to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -complete modules. Let be a (discrete) -algebra. is called -complete if it is -complete as a discrete -module. Let denote the category of (discrete) -algebras, let be the full subcategory spanned by the -complete -algebras.

Using Proposition 3.8 we see that the inclusion admits a left adjoint, given by . Using Proposition 3.3 we see that this localization functor is compatible with the natural symmetric monoidal structure on , in the sense of [2] Definition Applying [2] Proposition we see that the inclusion admits a left adjoint. Moreover, let be a morphism in such that , then exhibits as a -localization of if and only if the underlying map of in exhibits as a -localization of .

Construction 5.3 (Koszul Complexes). Let be an ordinary ring, let be an element. We are going to construct a simplicial commutative -algebra, denoted , called the Koszul complex associated to the element . It should have the property that its underlying simplicial -module corresponds to, under Dold-Kan correspondence, the complex concentrated in (homological) degree .

We construct explicitly as follows: Let , let as -module, where each as -modules, and inview of the explicit formula of Dold-Kan correspondence ([2] Construction, corresponds to the unique surjection , and for , corresponds to the unique surjection such that and .

The multiplication law on is defined as follows: Let , , , then

It is easy to check that this indeed gives the structure of a simplicial commutative -algebra.

Digression 5.4. Dold-Kan correspondence provides an equivalence of categories , where the former category is the category of simplicial -modules, and the latter is the category of complexes of -modules concerntrated in nonnegative degree. Localizing at the equivalences (or quasi-isomorphisms) we obtain an equivalence of -categories .

Let denote the category of simplicial -algebras. The forgetful functor gives rise to a functor by inverting equivalences. By checking on finitely generated polynomial algebras over we see that this functor is equivalent to the natural forgetful functor.

In particular the map of -modules underlying the map of -algebras can be extended to a fiber sequence .

Now let , let be elements. Let be the coproduct in the -category of animated rings over . This animated -algebra is called the Koszul complex associated to the elements .

Let be the ideal generated by . For and , we denote and . It is easy to see that (see the proof of [1] Proposition 4.2.7) for every module over the animated ring , the -module is -complete, thus the module is -complete.

We have a sequence of maps of animated rings over that is naturally defined at the level of simplicial commutative -algebras. We thus obtain a sequence of maps of animated rings over whose underlying maps of -modules is the natural maps of (classical) Koszul complexes. Let be an arbitrary module over the animated ring , then we have a natural map of -modules. We prove that this map exhibits as the -completion of . It follows from the above discussion that is -complete, thus it remains to prove that is -local.

Notice that . We prove that this is -local by induction on . For this follows from the proof of [1] Proposition 4.2.7. Suppose and the cases of have already been handled. Let be the ideal generated by . Let . Notice that we have a triangle

inducing a fiber sequence . Taking limit over and using inductive hypothesis, we get what we want. (To handle , we need to consider a diagram of the shape of a double complex...)

In the above constructions we may replace some of the elements by Cartier divisors (that is, is an ideal which determines a line bundle over ): Notice that if is a Cartier divisor, then as -modules, where , so for every -module and every element , is annihilated by , thus is -complete. So the only nontriviality left is to prove that, for every -module , is -local. Tensoring with the sequence of maps of -modules gives a sequence of natural transformations between functors between the -category . Each of these functors is an equivalence since is a Cartier divisor. Let be an -nilpotent -module, then , where corresponds to the open subscheme of whose completion is the closed subset , thus the claim is proved.



Jacob Lurie, “Derived Algebraic Geometry XII: Proper Morphisms, Completions, and the Grothendieck Existence Theorem”, November 8, 2011 version, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/DAG-XII.pdf


Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HA.pdf


The Stacks project authors, “The Stacks project”, https://stacks.math.columbia.edu