用户: Scavenger/Fun Facts!/Automorphisms of the Category of Abelian Groups

Lemma 0.1. Let be a commutative ring with identity. Let and be -modules such that . Then and are line bundles over .

Proof. Let denote the functors , respectively. Then using the fact that tensor product is left adjoint to internal Hom, we see that are equivalent to , thus they are equivalences, and we see that and are projective.By a similar reasoning we see that and are equivalences. Now choose a generator of as an -module, and let be the submodule generated by the elements . Then is surjective and injective (since is exact), and it is an isomorphism, which implies and we see that is finitely generated, thus finitely presented since it is projective. Similarly we see that is finitely presented. Now the lemma follows easily by localizing at prime ideals.

Lemma 0.2 ([1] Theorem 7.7.2). Let be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. Let be a -commutative ring. Let be a functor that preserves -small colimits and is -linear. Then there is an -module such that is equivalent to .

Theorem 0.3. Let be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. Let denote the category of -small abelian groups. Let be a functor that is an equivalence. Then is equivalent to .

Proof. Let be an inverse to . We see that and are given as tensoring with abelian groups and , respectively. Now composing and , we see that tensoring with is equivalent to . Evaluating at the object we see that . So we see that and are line bundles over , and thus are isomorphic to .




Wenwei Li, “代数学方法: 卷二”, available for download at https://wwli.asia/downloads/books/Al-jabr-2.pdf