用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Accessible and Presentable Categories

Setting 0.1. Throughout these notes, we fix an inaccessible cardinal as our size parameter. The notions in these notes (for example accessible and presentable -categories) will be the one relative to the size parameter .

Definition 0.2. Let be an infinite cardinal. We say that a simplicial set is -small if the cardinality of ’s nondegenerate simplexes is smaller than .

Caution 0.3. According to our convention, a -simplicial set is a simplicial lying in the universe , while a -small simplicial set is a simplicial set that is isomorphic to a -simplicial set.

Let be the -category of -Kan complexes. (Depending on the context, sometimes might denote the -category of spaces having size parameter other than .)

1Right Exact Functors

Definition 1.1. Let be a regular cardinal. Let be an -category which admits -small colimits. Let be a functor between -categories, then is called -right exact if it preserves -small colimits.

This definition coincides with [1] Definition by virtue of [1] Proposition

2Filtered -Categories

Definition 2.1. Let be a regular cardinal and let be an -category. We say that is -filtered if, for every -small simplicial set and every map , there exists a map extending .

We say that is filtered if it is -filtered.

Proposition 2.2 ([1] Proposition Let be a regular cardinal, and let be a -small -category. Then is -filtered if and only if the colimit functor preserves -small limits.

Corollary 2.3. Let be a regular cardinal, a -small -filtered -category, a -small simplicial set, a diagram such that for every , is a limit diagram, and for every , is a colimit diagram. Let , be the cone points, then is a limit diagram if and only if is a colimit diagram.

3Compact Objects

Definition 3.1 ([1] Definition Let be a regular cardinal. Let be an -category which admits -small -filtered colimits. Let be an -category, we say that a functor is -continuous if it preserves -small -filtered colimits.

Let be as above, an object is said to be -compact if the functor corepresented by is -continuous. We will use to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -compact objects.

Let be an -category which admits -small filtered colimits. An object is said to be compact if it is -compact.

Example 3.2. Let be a regular cardinal. Let be an -category which admits -small -filtered colimits. Let be a full subcategory which is stable under -small -filtered colimits, and an object. Then is -compact in if it is -compact in .

Proposition 3.3. Let be a regular cardinal. Let be an -category which admits -small colimits. Then the full subcategory is stable under -small colimits.

Proof. Use Corollary 2.3.

4-Categories of Ind-Objects

Definition 4.1. Let be a regular cardinal and let be a -small -category. We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by those presheaves whose corresponding right fibration satisfies that is -filtered.

In the case , we write for .

Proposition 4.2 ([1] Proposition Let be a regular cardinal and let be a -small -category. The full subcategory is stable under -small -filtered colimits (and in paricular it admits -small -filtered colimit).

Proposition 4.3 ([1] Corollary Let be a -small -category, let be a regular cardinal, and let be an object of . Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) There exists a -small -filtered -category and a diagram such that is a colimit of the composition .

(ii) belongs to .

If admits -small colimits, then (i) and (ii) are equivalent to

(iii) preserves -small limits.

Proposition 4.4 ([1] Proposition Let be a regular cardinal, let be a -small -category, and let be an -category which admits -small -filtered colimits. Then the Yoneda embedding induces an equivalence , where denote the full subcategory of spanned by those -continuous functors.

Proposition 4.5 ([1] Proposition Let be a regular cardinal, let be a -small -category, and let be an -category which admits -small -filtered colimits. Let be a -cocontinuous functor and let be the restriction of to through the Yoneda embedding. Then

(i) If is fully faithful and its essential image consists of -compact objects of , then is fully faithful.

(ii) is an equivalence if and only if is fully faithful, the essential image of consists of -compact objects of , and the objects generate under -small -filtered colimits.

In particular, taking , we see that a representable presheaf is a -compact object in .

Proposition 4.6 ([1] Proposition Let be a regular cardinal, let be a functor between -small -categories, such that admits -small colimits. Then is -right exact if and only if is a left adjoint, where is the functor induced by the universal property of (see Proposition 4.4). Moreover, in this situation a right adjoint of is given by restriction along (and in particular the restriction functor brings into ).

5Accessible -Categories

Definition 5.1 ([1] Definition Let be an -category and let be a regular cardinal. is called -accessible if there exists a -small -category such that is equivalent to . We say that is accessible if it is -accessible for some regular cardinal smaller than .

Example 5.2. Let be a regular cardinal, let be a -small -category. Then is -accessible by virtue of [1] Proposition

Proposition 5.3 ([1] Proposition Let be an -category and be a regular cardinal. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) is -accessible.

(ii) is locally small and admits -small -filtered colimits, the full subcategory is essentially small generates under -small -filtered colimits.

(iii) admits -small -filtered colimits and contains an essentially small full subcategory which consists of -compact objects and generates under -small -filtered colimits.

In this situation we have a natural equivalence , by virtue of Proposition 4.5.

Proposition 5.4 ([1] Proposition Let be an accessible -category and let be a -small simplicial set. Then is accessible.

Definition 5.5 ([1] Definition Let be an accessible -category, and let be an -category. A functor is called accessible if it is -continuous for some regular cardinal .

Proposition 5.6 ([1] Proposition Let

be a categorical pullback diagram of infinity categories such that and are accessible, and and are accessible functors. Then is accessible.

6Presentable -Categories

Definition 6.1 ([1] Definition An -category is presentable if it is accessible and admits -small colimits.

Definition 6.2 ([1] Definition Let be a regular cardinal. We say that an -category is -compactly generated if it is presentable and -accessible. We say that it is compactly generated if it is -compactly generated.

Example 6.3. is presentable.

is presentable by virtue of [1] Proposition

Proposition 6.4. Let be a regular cardinal. Let be a -compactly generated -category. Let be a full subcategory, let be the full subcategory generated by under -small colimits. Then is -compactly generated, and the inclusion preserves -compact objects.

Proof. We first prove that is -compactly generated. We only need to prove is -accessible since it admits -small colimits. Let , then we have a natural functor induced by the universal property of . This functor is fully faithful by Proposition 4.5, and we only need to prove that it is essentially surjective. , when being regarded as a full subcategory of , is stable under -small colimits, thus the composite functor preserves -small colimits by virtue of Proposition 4.6. But is presentable by virtue of [1] Proposition, so the essential image of , when being regarded as a full subcategory of , is stable under -small colimits, so it is equal to since it is contained in and contains .

Now we prove that the inclusion preserves -compact objects. In view of [1] Proposition, it will suffices to prove that the right adjoint to the inclusion is -continuous. But since is equivalent to the functor , so its right adjoint is given by restriction along , by Proposition 4.6, so it is -continuous.

Proposition 6.5. Let be a presentable -category and let be a -small simplicial set. Then is presentable.

Proof. Immediate from Proposition 5.4 and [2] tag 02XA.

Proposition 6.6 ([1] Corollary A presentable -category admits -small limits.



Jacob Lurie, “Higher Topos Theory”, Available for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HTT.pdf


Jacob Lurie, “Kerodon”, https://kerodon.net