用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Infinity Operads

1Basic Definitions

Definition 1.1 ([2] Notation We define a category as follows:

Objects of are the pointed finite sets , for every . We will denote the subset by .

Morphisms from to are the morphisms of pointed finite sets, i.e. those maps of sets which bring to .

The composition law is defined in the obvious way.

Notation 1.2. A morphism is called inert if (here denotes cardinality) for all . It is called active if . Let be a natural number and let , we use to denote the unique inert morphism such that .

Definition 1.3 ([2] Definition, Definition An infinity operad is a morphism of infinity categories satisfying the following conditions:

(i) For every inert morphism of , there exists a -coCartesian morphism lifting .

(ii) Let ( means the fiber of over the vertex ) and be objects. Let be a morphism in . Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by those morphisms lying over . Choose -cocartesian morphisms lying over the inert morphisms for . Then the induced map is a homotopy equivalence.

(iii) For every finite collection of objects , there exists an object and -cocartesian morphisms covering for .

In this situation we denote by and call it the underlying -category of the -operad . For , pushforwards along (notice that is a coCartesion fibration over ) give an equivalence of -categories .

We say that a morphism in is inert if is inert and is -coCartesian. It is active if is active.

Definition 1.4 ([2] Definition A colored operad is the collection of the following data:

(i) A set whose elements we will refer to as objects or colors of .

(ii) For every finite sequence of objects of , and every object of , a set , which we call the set of morphisms from to .

(iii) A composition law that is required to satisfy certain conditions. (For details, see [2] Definition

Construction 1.5. Let be a colored operad, we can construct a category equipped with a functor (see [2] Construction This functor makes into an infinity operad ([2] Proposition

This construction has a generalization to simplicial colored operads.

Example 1.6. The identity map exhibits as an -operad, which will be called the commutative -operad. We will also denote it by

Definition 1.7. Let and be -operads. An -operad map from to is a map of simplicial sets over that brings inert morphisms to inert morphisms.

We use (or simply ) to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -operad maps.

A map of -operads is a fibration of -operads if its underlying map of simplicial sets is an isofibration. It a coCartesian fibration of -operads if its underlying map of simplicial sets is a coCartesian fibration.

Notation 1.8. Let be an -operad. An -monoidal -category (or simply -monoidal -category) is a coCartesian fibration of -operads . A symmetric monoidal -category is a -monoidal -category.

2Model Structure for -Operads

Definition 2.1. Recall that a marked simplicial set is a pair where is a simplicial set and is a set of edges of , which contains all degenerate edges. An edge of is said to be marked if it belongs to . A morphism between two marked simplicial sets and is a map of simplicial sets that brings marked edges of to marked edges of .

If is a simplicial set, we use to denote the marked simplicial set where consists of all edges of , and to denote the marked simplicial set where consists of all degenerate edges of .

Definition 2.2 ([2] Definition, Notation An -preoperad is a marked simplicial set over the marked simplicial set , where consists of all inert morphisms in . The -preoperads form a category , which is precisely the overcategory of the category of marked simplicial sets over . Thus it inherits a simplicial enrichment as the overcategory of a simplicial category (see [2] Remark for details).

Let be an -operad, we use to denote the -preoperad , where consists of all inert morphisms in .

Proposition 2.3 ([2] Proposition There exists a simplicial model structure on such that a morphism is a cofibration if and only if it induces an injection on the underlying simplicial set, a weak equivalence if and only if the induced map is a weak homotopy equivalence of simplicial sets for every -operad .

Moreover, if is an -operad, then a map in is a fibration if and only if it is isomorphic to (in the slice category ) for some fibration of -operads .

Corollary 2.4. Let be maps of -operads, let (fiber product as simplicial sets), then if is a fibration of -operads, then is also a fibration of -operads. If moreover is a coCartesian fibration of -operads, then so is .

3Generalized -Operads

Definition 3.1 ([2] Definition A generalized -operad is an -category equipped with a map satisfying the following conditions:

(i) For every object and every inert morphism , there exists a -coCartesian morphism such that .

(ii) Suppose we are given a commutative diagram :

in which consists of inert morphisms and induces a bijection of finite sets . Then the induced diagram

is a pullback diagram of -categories. (This condition depends only on the coCartesian fibration , by virtue of, for example, [3] tag 02T8, so don’t worry.)

(iii) Let be as in (ii), and suppose that can be lifted to a diagram

consisting of -coCartesian morphisms in . Then is a -limit diagram.

An -operad is a generalized -operad by virtue of [2] Proposition

Notation 3.2 ([2] Definition Let be a generalized -operad. We will say that a morphism in is inert if is inert in and is -coCartesian. Let be another generalized -operad. A morphism of simplicial sets is a map of generalized -operads if and carries inert morphisms in to inert morphisms in . It is a fibration of generalized -operads if in addition it is an isofibration of -categories.

It is easy to see that if is a generalized -operad, then is a fibration of generalized -operad.

Example 3.3 ([2] Proposition (1)). Let be an -category, then the product is a generalized -operad.

Remark 3.4. In [1] a (seemingly) different notion, called an -operad family, is defined for every -operad . These two notions coincides in the sense below:

Let be an -operad and let be a map of simplicial sets. Then is an -operad family if and only if is a generalized -operad and is a fibration of generalized -operads, by virtue of [2] Proposition B.2.7.

Model Structure for Generalized -Operads

Construction 3.5 ([2] Remark Let be the category of -preoperads, then there exists a model structure on such that:

(i) A morphism is a cofibration if and only if the underlying map of simplicial sets is a monomorphism.

(ii) An object is fibrant if and only if it is isomorphic to for some generalized -operad , where denotes the marked simplicial set whose underlying simplicial set is , and whose marked edges are the inert edges.

(iii) Let be a generalized -operad, then a map is a fibration if and only if it is isomorphic to (in the slice category ) for some fibration of generalized -operads .

Corollary 3.6. Let be maps of generalized -operads, let (fiber product as simplicial sets), then if is a fibration of generalized -operads, then is also a fibration of generalized -operads.

4Bifunctor of -Operads

Our goal in this section is to construct the monoidal structure on the -categories of algebra objects.

Definition 4.1 ([2] Notation Define a functor as follows:

(i) On objects, is given by the formula .

(ii) Let and be morphisms in . We define to be given by the formula: for and ,


Definition 4.2. Let and be -operads. A bifunctor of -operads is a map of -categories satisfying the following conditions.

(i) The diagramcommutes

(ii) For every inert morphisms of and of , is an inert morphism in .

Example 4.3. Let be an -operad. Then there is a unique bifunctor of -operads .

Construction 4.4 ([2] Construction Let be a bifunctor of -operads. We construct a simplicial set over by the following universal property: Let be a map of simplicial sets, then there is a bijection between and the set of commutative diagrams

such that has the following property: for every vertex and every inert morphism in , the morphism is inert.

Or in concrete terms, taking in the above construction, we get the -simplices of over some specific -simplex of , and this construction is functorial in a sense that it indeed gives a simplicial set over .

4.5 ([2] Remark In the context of Construction 4.4, let be an object. The restriction of to determines a map of -operads , and we have a canonical isomorphism (of simplicial sets) of the fiber and the -category .

Proposition 4.6 ([2] Proposition In the contex of Consturction 4.4, we have:

(i) The map is a fibration of -operads.

(ii) A morphism in is inert if and only if is inert and for every object , the composition is an inert morphism in . Here is the map given by the universal property of .

(iii) Suppose that is a coCartesian fibration of -operads. Then is a coCartesian fibration of -operads.

(iv) Suppose that is a coCartesian fibration of -operads. Then a morphism in is -coCartesian if and only if, for every object , the composition is a -coCartesian morphism in .

Example 4.7 ([2] Example Let be an -operad and let be the bifunctor of -operads of Example 4.3. Let be a symmetric monoidal -category, then is a symmetric monoidal -category by Proposition 4.6, which we will denote by . The underlying -category of this symmetric monoidal -category is the -category of algebra objects.

For every object we have an evaluation functor defined as the composition . This is a symmetric monoidal functor by virtue of Proposition 4.6.



Jacob Lurie, “Derived Algebraic Geometry III: Commutative Algebra”, October 21, 2009 version, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/DAG-III.pdf


Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/


Jacob Lurie, “Kerodon”, https://kerodon.net