用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Model Categories

The goal of this notes is to collect the basic theory of model categories, with an eye toward its application in the theory of -categories. We will mainly follow the definitions and conventions of [1].

Definition 0.1. Let be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. A -model category (or simply a model category) is a category together with three sets of morphisms in , called cofibrations, fibrations and weak equivalences respectively (we will call a map a trivial (co)fibration if it is both a (co)fibration and a weak equivalence), such that the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) admits -small limits and colimits.

(ii) Let and be morphisms in . If any two of are weak equivalences, then so is the third.

(iii) Suppose is a retract of , then if is a cofibration (or fibration, or weak equivalence), then so is .

(iv) given a commutative diagram of solid arrows in :

a dashed arrow can be found rendering the diagram commutative if either is a cofibration and is a trivial fibration, or is a trivial cofibration and is a fibration.

(v) Any morphism in admits factorizations

where is a cofibration, is a trivial fibration, is a trivial cofibration and is a fibration.

From now on we fix a strongly inaccessible cardinal as our size parameter unless otherwise stated.

Example 0.2 (The Joyal Model Structure). Let be the category of -simplicial sets. We define the Joyal model structure on as follows:

The cofibrations are the monomorphisms.

The fibrations are the -isofibrations.

The weak equivalences are the categorical equivalences.

Example 0.3. Let be a model category, and let be an object of . The slice category admits a natural model structure defined as follows:

A morphism in is a fibration/cofibration/weak equivalence if and only if its underlying morphism in is a fibration/cofibration/weak equivalence.

Notation 0.4. By definition, every model category has an initial object and a final object . An object of is called fibrant if the unique map is a fibration and is called cofibrant if the unique map is a cofibration. An object is called fibrant-cofibrant if it is both fibrant and cofibrant.

The Homotopy Category of a Model Category

We turn to define the homotopy category of a model category.

Let be a model category, let be a cofibrant object of and let be a fibrant object. There is an equivalence relation on the set called being “homotopic” (for a detailed definition, see [1] Subsection A.2.2).

Definition 0.5. Let be a model category. We define a new category , called the homotopy category of , as follows:

The objects of are the fibrant-cofibrant objects of .

Let be fibrant-cofibrant objects of , the set is defined to be the quotient of by the homotopic equivalence relation discussed above.

Composition law and identity morphisms of are given by those of (This can be checked to be well defined).

0.6. Let be a model category. Let be the (strict) localization of with respect to the set of weak equivalences. Let be a cofibrant object of and let be a fibrant object. It can be checked that the functor brings homotopic morphisms between and to identical morphisms, and thus induces a functor . It can be proved that this functor is an equivalence.

Quillen Adjunctions

Definition 0.7. Let and be model categories, let and be a pair of adjoint functors (such that is left adjoint to ). The following conditions are equivalent:

(i) preserves cofibrations and trivial cofibrations.

(ii) preserves fibrations and trivial fibrations.

(iii) preserves cofibrations and preserves fibrations.

(iv) preserves trivial cofibrations and preserves trivial fibraions.

If these conditions are satisfied, then we say that the pair (F,G) is a Quillen adjunction between and . We also say that is a left Quillen functor and is a right Quillen functor. In this case, one can show that preserves weak equivalences between cofibrant objects and preserves weak equivalences between fibrant objects.



Jacob Lurie, “Higher Topos Theory”, Available for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/