用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Modules in the context of Infinity Operads

The objective of this notes is to define the notion of modules in the context of -operads.

The presentation of these materials in [2] is confusing (at least to me). There abounds typos and misleading (or, in some sense, wrong) notations and the technical details are vague. I try to remedy this in the notes below, by giving the right notations and statements of the theorem, arrange them in the correct order, and write down some remarks. Hope this can bring ease to those reading this part of [2].

1Coherent -Operads

Definition 1.1 ([2] Definition B.3.1). We will say that a functor of -categories is flat if the inclusion is a categorical equivalence.

Definition 1.2 ([2] Definition B.3.8). Let be an inner fibration of simplicial sets. We say that it is flat if for every 2-simplex of , the pullback of along , is flat in the sense of Definition 1.1.

Definition 1.3 ([2] Definition Let be an -operad. We will say that is unital if for every object , the Kan complex is contractible.

Definition 1.4 ([2] Definition We will say that a morphism in is semi-inert if has at most one element for every . We will say that is null if .

Let be an -operad, and let be a morphism in . We will say that is semi-inert if it satisfies the following conditions:

(i) is semi-inert in .

(ii) For every inert morphism in , if is an inert morphism in , then is an inert morphism in .

We will say that is null if is null.

1.5. A null morphism in an -operad is semi-inert (see [2] Remark

Notation 1.6 ([2] Notation Let be a unital -operad. We use (or simply ) to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the semi-inert morphisms. For we let be the map given by evaluation at the vertex of . We will say that a morphism in is inert if its images under and are inert morphisms in .

Notation 1.7 ([2] Notation Let be a unital -operad. We use to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the null morphisms in . For , we let denote the restriction to of the evaluation map .

Definition 1.8 ([1] Definition 3.1.10). We will say that a unital -operad is coherent if the evaluation map is a flat isofibration.

Remark 1.9. This definition of coherent -operads (probably) disagrees with the one in [2] (i.e. Definition The criterion given in [2] (i.e. Theorem only guarantees the conincidence of the two definitions in the case is a Kan complex. I believe the definition on [1] is the right one since being a flat isofibration is the condition that is essentially used in proving various properties regarding modules. However, a concern of me is that this means if is a coherent -operad in the sense of [2], then is not necessarily a flat isofibration, leading to possible incorrectness of [2].

Example 1.10. is coherent by [2] Proposition or [1] Proposition 3.5.1.

is coherent by [2] Example or [1] Proposition 3.6.1.


Construction 2.1 ([2] Construction Let be a unital -operad and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. We define a simplicial set (or simply ) over the simplicial set so that the following universal property is satisfied: for every simplicial set over , there is a canonical bijection of sets .

We let denote the full simplicial subset of spanned by those vertices with the following property: let be the image of in , then the functor corresponding to brings inert morphisms to inert morphisms (here we view as a simplicial subset of ).

Construction 2.2 ([2] Notation Let be a unital -operad, and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. We define a simplicial set over by the following universal property: for every simplicial set over , we have a canonical bijection . We let denote the full simplicial subset of spanned by those vertices whose corresponding functor brings inert morphisms to inert morphisms.

2.3. The natural inclusion induces a natural map by the defining universal properties. It is easy to see that is mapped into .

There is a map of simplicial sets over constructed as the composition , which induces a map . It is easy to see that the preimage of under this map can be identified with . Thus we have a natural map .

Definition 2.4 ([2] Definition Let be a unital -operad, and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. We let denote the fiber product . For every algebra object , we let denote the fiber product . We will refer to this simplicial set as the -operad of -module objects over .

Below is the main theorem of this section, and justifies the name of .

Theorem 2.5 ([2] Theorem Let be a fibration of -operads, where is coherent, and let . Then the natural map is a fibration of -operads.

(Sketch of) Proof of the Theorem

Definition 2.6 ([2] Notation B.4.4). Suppose we are given a map of simplicial sets . We let denote the simplicial set over defined by the following universal property: for every map of simplicial sets , we have a canonical bijection .

Proposition 2.7 ([2] Proposition B.4.5). Let be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. Let be --categories and let be a flat isofibration of simplicial sets. Then the functor is a right Quillen functor with respect to the Joyal model structures. In particular, if is an isofibration, then the induced map is an isofibration.

Proof. The functor admits a left adjoint given by the formula . To prove that is a right Quillen functor it suffices to show that preserves monomorphisms and categorical equivalences. The first case is clear, and the second case follows from [2] Corollary B.3.15.

Remark 2.8. Proposition B.4.5 of [2] only requires and to be simplicial sets instead of -categories. I think this is incorrect since the conditions of [2] Corollary B.3.15 require them to be -categories.

Lemma 2.9 ([2] Lemma Let be a unital -operad and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. Then the map is an isofibration. In particular, is an -category.

Proof. The simplicial set can be identified with . The result follows from Proposition 2.7 and [2] Corollary

Lemma 2.10 ([2] Lemma Let be a unital -operad and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. Then the map is an isofibration.

Remark 2.11. (i): The statement of Lemma 2.10 is slightly stronger then [2] Lemma, but the proof of the latter is essentially the former.

(ii): One can prove that and are replete full subcategories of and , respectively.

Proposition 2.12 ([2] Remark Let be a unital -operad and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. The map is an equivalence of -categories. Consequently, is also an equivalence of -categories.

Proof. The idea is to use the fact that is a trivial Kan fibration ([2] Lemma to show that is an equivalence of inner fibrations over .

Proposition 2.13 ([2] Proposition Let be a coherent -operad, and let be a fibration of generalized -operads. Then the structure map is again a fibration of generalized -operads. Moreover, a morphism in is inert if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:

(i) The image of in under the structure map (which we denote by ) is inert.

(ii) Let be the functor classified by . For every -Cartesian morphism of lifting (which is equivalent to being an equivalent, see part (4) of the proof of [2] Proposition, the morphism of is inert.

Remark 2.14. (i) Proposition of [2] only requires to be a map of generalized -operads, instead of a fibration of generalized -operads. This is incorrect.

(ii) One also needs a version of Proposition 2.13 concerning instead of . The proof is simple since and are equivalent inner fibrations over . In particular, is a fibration of generalized -operads.

Now we can prove [2] Remark, using which we can finally prove 2.5.



Jacob Lurie, “Derived Algebraic Geometry III: Commutative Algebra”, arXiv:math/0703204v4, 2009


Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/


Jacob Lurie, “Kerodon”, https://kerodon.net