用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Sheaves
1Sheaves on -Topoi
Definition 1.1 ([3] Definition Let be an -category. A Grothendieck topology (or simply a topology) on is a Grothendieck topology on the homotopy category (see [2] Subsection 6.2.2 for related discussions).
Let be an -category equipped with a topology. Let be an -category. We say that a functor is a -valued sheaf on if the following condition is satisfied: For every object and every covering sieve on , the composite map is a colimit diagram in . We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -valued sheaves on .
Example 1.2 ([3] Example Let be a small -category equipped with a topology, let be the -category of spaces. We will denote the -category simply by , and refer to it as the -category of sheaves on . One can check that the definition of sheaves here coincides with the one of [2] Definition In particular is an -topos.
Example 1.3. Let and be small -categories equipped with Grothendieck topologies. A functor is called cocontinuous if for every object and every covering sieve on , is a covering sieve on .
Let be a cocontinuous functor. Let be a left adjoints to the inclusion . Let be a right adjoint to the functor given by composing with . One can check that the functor takes sheaves on to sheaves on , and therefore is a right adjoint to the functor , which preserves finite limits. Therefore the adjoint pair is a geometric morphism from the -topos to the -topos .
Definition 1.4 ([3] Definition Let be an -topos, let be an -category. A -valued sheaf on is a functor that preserves small limits. Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -valued sheaves on .
Proposition 1.5 ([3] Remark Let be a presentable -category and an -topos. Then is presentable.
Proposition 1.6 ([3] Proposition Let be a small -category equipped with a topology. Let denote the Yoneda embedding, let be a left adjoint to the inclusion . Let be an arbitrary -category which admits small limits. Then composition with induces an equivalence of -categories .
2Sheaves of Spectra
Definition 2.1 ([3] Definition Let be an -topos. A sheaf of spectra on is a sheaf on with values in the -category of spectra.
2.2 ([3] Remark Let be an -topos. Recall that is by definition the full subcategory of spanned by the reduced and excisive functors. Therefore is naturally isomorphic (as a simplicial set) to the full subcategory of spanned by the reduced and excisive functors. Since the Yoneda embedding induces an equivalence by [2] Proposition, we obtain a natural equivalence . In particular is stable and presentable. Moreover we have a natural forgerful functor obtained by composition with the functor (together with the equivalence ).
Notation 2.3 ([3] Notation Let be an -topos and let denote its underlying topos. We let denote the composite functor . For we let denote the composite functor . Notice that is equivalent to the composite functor , where is the category of abelian group objects of , in particular naturally factors through the functor .
Definition 2.4 ([3] Definition Let be an -topos. For each the functor induces a functor , which we also denote by . We say that an object is -truncated if is a discrete object of . We will say that a sheaf of spectra is -connective if the homotopy groups vanish for . We will say that is connective if it is -connective. We let denote the full subcategories spanned by the -connective, -truncated objects, respectively. We denote by .
Proposition 2.5 ([3] Remark Let be an -topos, let be a sheaf of spectra on . For , is -truncated if and only if for each object , the spectrum is -truncated.
Proposition 2.6 ([3] Proposition Let be an -topos.
(i) The full subcategories determine a -structure on .
(ii) The full subcategory is stable under filtered colimits.
(iii) The functor determines an equivalence from the heart of to . Moreover, for each , the functor as in Notation 2.3 is equivalent to the composite functor , where the first functor is the homotopy group functor induced by the -structure on .
Remark 2.7. This -structure is not necessarily nondegenerate.
2.8 ([3] Remark Let be a geometric morphism of -topoi (which is by definition a functor which preserves small colimits and finite limits). Then is left exact, and therefore induces a functor . We denote this functor also by . It is a left adjoint to the functor given by composing with .
The functor is -exact.
Now let and be small -categories equipped with Grothendieck topologies. Let be a cocontinuous functor. Choose , , and is as in Example 1.3. Under the identifications and , the functor corresponds to the composite functor , where the first map is the inclusion, the second map is given by composing with , and the third map is given by sheafification (that is, left adjoint to the inclusion). The functor corresponds to the composite functor , where the first functor is the inclusion, and the second functor is right adjoint to the functor (and in particular brings sheaves of spectra on to sheaves of spectra on ).
3Symmetric Monoidal Structure
Proposition 3.1 ([3] Lemma Let be an -topos and a presentable -category. Then the inclusion admits a left adjoint.
3.2 ([3] Proposition Let be a simplicial set, then the -category admits a natural symmetric monoidal structure, by [1] Remark, which we will refer to as the pointwise smash product symmetric monoidal structure.
Let be an -topos and let be a left adjoint to the inclusion. Then this localization functor is compatible with the pointwise smash product symmetric monoidal structure in the sense of [1] Definition, and in particular [1] Proposition gives a natural symmetric monoidal structure with respect to which the functor is symmetric monoidal.
Definition 3.3 ([3] Remark For any -topos we have a natural isomorphism of simplicial sets , where is the -category of -rings. We will refer to elements in as sheaves of -rings on .
Example 3.4. Let be a small -category. Under the identification (which is obtained by equipping with the indiscrete Grothendieck topology), one can show that the symmetric monoidal structure on corresponds to the pointwise smash product symmetric monoidal structure on .
Now if we equip with a Grothendieck topology (not necessarily indiscrete), then the inclusion admits a left adjoint, which is compatible with the pointwise smash product symmetric monoidal structure in the sense of [1] Definition, and in particular equips with a symmetric monoidal structure. One can show that this symmetric monoidal structure corresponds to the symmetric monoidal sturcture on constructed in 3.2 under the identification .
Example 3.5. Let be a geometric morphism of -topoi. Then we have a pair of adjunctions between and . One can show that is symmetric monoidal ( can be extended to a morphism of underlying simplicial sets over of the -operads, which is a left adjoint functor of isofibrations over , thus is symmetric monoidal by [1] Proposition, and consequently is lax symmetric monoidal.
Cech Nerves
Definition 4.1. Let denote the category , which we thought of as the category added the empty linearly ordered set as an additional object. Let be an -category, a simplicial object of is a functor , an augmented simplicial object of is a functor .
Definition 4.2. Let be an -category. An augmented simplicial object is called a Cech nerve if is a right Kan extension of , where is the full subcategory of spanned by and .
See [2] Proposition for equivalent characterizations.
4.3. Let be an -category with finite limits. In this case a Cech nerve is determined by the morphism , and every morphism in can be (uniquely) extended to a Cech nerve.
Definition 4.4. Let be an -topos. A morphism in is called an effective epimorphism if the cech nerve of is a colimit diagram.
See [2] Corollary for equivalent characterizations.
Example 4.5 (Weakly Final Objects and Cech-Alexander Resolution). Let be a small -category. Let be a presheaf on , let be the final presheaf on . Then is an effective epimorphism in if and only if for every object , the space is nonempty, by [2] Corollary
Let be an object. It is said to be weakly final if is an effective epimorphism in , where is the presheaf represented by . Then is weakly final if and only if for every object , is nonempty.
Let be a weakly final object, let be the Cech nerve of , then is a colimit diagram in . Let denote the underlying simplicial object of . If admits finite nonempty products, then factors through the Yoneda embedding .
Let be a sheaf of -rings (for example. Similar constructions apply with replaced with, for example, .) on , where is the -category of -rings. Then the composite functor is a limit diagram in . If admits nonempty finite products, then this functor exhibits as a limit of objects in the essential image of the composite functor , where the first map is the Yoneda embedding.
[1] | Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HA.pdf |
[2] | Jacob Lurie, “Higher Topos Theory”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HTT.pdf |
[3] | Jacob Lurie, “Spectral Algebraic Geometry”, February 3, 2018 version, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/SAG-rootfile.pdf |