用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Smash Product of Spectra

Our goal in this notes is to construct a symmetric monoidal structure on the -category of spectra, namely the smash product.

1The Main Construction

Construction 1.1 ([3] Notation Let be an inaccessible cardinal. We construct an -category as the nerve of the following locally Kan simplicial category:

(i) The objects are finite sequences , where each is a --category.

(ii) Given a pair of objects and , the morphism space from the former object to the latter is .

Now we assume is -inaccessible. Let be the set of -sets whose elements are -simplicial sets, partially ordered by inclusion. We define a subcategory of as follows:

(i) An object belongs to if and only if each of the -category admits -indexed colimits for every .

(ii) Let be a morphism, covering a map . It belongs to if and only if each of the associated functors preserves -indexed colimits separately in each variable for every .

Notice that this subcategory can also be realized as the nerve of a locally Kan simplicial category.

If , Let denote the fiber product .

Proposition 1.2 ([3] Proposition, Corollary Let be an -inaccessible cardinal. Then the functor is a coCartesian fibration.

Let be a -set whose elements are -simplicial sets. Then the category is a symmetric monoidal -category. Let be two -sets of -simplicial sets, then the inclusion is a map of -operads.

Remark 1.3. Let be an inaccessible cardinal. Then is a symmetric monoidal -category, and there is an evident functor , bringing to , which is a Cartesian structure (in the sense of [3] Definition

Symmetric Monoidal -Categories as Commutative Algebra Objects

We briefly review how a symmetric monoidal -category can be identified with a commutative algebra object of the symmetric monoidal -category .

Definition 1.4 ([3] Definition Let be an -category and let be an -operad. An -monoid in is a functor of -categories with the following property: for every object corresponding to objects , the natural maps exhibit as a product of in the infinity category . We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -monoids in .

In the special case where is the commutative -operad, we will refer to -monoids as commutative monoids.

Proposition 1.5 ([3] Example Let be an inaccessible cardinal. Let be a --operad. A functor is an monoid if and only if the corresponding coCartesian fibration is an -monoidal -category.

In the case where has finite products, the notion of -monoids is equivalent to that of -algebra:

Proposition 1.6 ([3] Proposition Let ba a symmetric monoidal -category, a Cartesian structure (in the sense of [3] Definition, and an -operad. Then composition with induces an equivalence of -categories .

Combining Proposition 1.5, Proposition 1.6 and Remark 1.3, we obtain the following:

Proposition 1.7. Let be an inaccessible cardinal. Then there are equivalences of -categories:

where is the -category of -symmetric monoidal -categories.

1.8. Let be an -inaccessible cardinal, let be a -set of -simplicial sets. Then the inclusion gives rise to an inclusion , identifying with the subcategory of spanned by the symmetric monoidal -categories whose symmetric monoidal structure is compatible with -colimits (that is, the underlying -category admits -colimits, and the tensor product functor preserves -colimits separately in each variable), and the symmetric monoidal functors between these symmetric monoidal -categories whose restriction to the underlying -categories preserves -colimits.

The coCartesian fibration provides a left adjoint to the inclusion (this adjunction is actually an adjunction of inner fibrations over ), and this left adjoint is a symmetric monoidal functor. This symmetric monoidal functor is given on objects by (see [4] Proposition for the definition of ).

Consequently, the inclusion admits a left adjoint, bringing a symmetric monoidal -category to . This left adjoint is symmetric monoidal (with respect to the natural symmetric monoidal structure on the -category of commutative algebra objects in a symmetric monoidal -category, which is coCartesian), and consequently preserves initial objects.

Let be an inaccessible cardinal. We specialize to the case where is the set of -simplicial sets. The initial object of is given by the symmetric monoidal -category , and since , we obtain a symmetric monoidal -category and an equivalence , bringing to the unit object of (the last assertion can be seen by contemplating at the unit of the adjunction constructed above).

We now fix an -inaccessible cardinal and an inaccessible cardinal . From now on when we talk about presentable -categories we always means the notion with size parameter . Let be the set of simplicial sets.

Proposition 1.9 ([3] Proposition The full subcategory of presentable --categories (and functors preserving -colimits between them) is closed under tensor products in , and therefore inherits a symmetric monoidal structure by virtue of [3] Proposition

Proposition 1.10 ([3] Proposition or [2] Remark 4.1.13). Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the stable -categories. By virtue of [3] Corollary the inclusion admits a left adjoint given by , and the unit of this adjunction is given by . The reflective subcategory satisfies the condition of [3] Definition, and therefore inherits a symmetric monoidal structure and the left adjoint is a symmetric monoidal functor, by virture of [3] Proposition

The various adjunctions constructed above can all be viewed as adjunctions of inner fibrations over , and therefore give adjunctions between -categories of commutative algebra objects. Now we can now prove our main theorem:

Proposition 1.11. Let be the -category of spectra. Then there exists a symmetric monoidal -category and an equivalence , bringing the sphere spectrum to the unit object of , such that, for any symmetric monoidal -category satisfying the following conditions:

(i) is stable and presentable.

(ii) The tensor product functor preserves colimits separatly in each variable.

the -category of symmetric monoidal functors from to whose restriction to the underlying -categories preserves -colimits is a contractible Kan complex. If moreover the essentially unique functor preserving -colimits and bringing the sphere specturm to the unit object of is an equivalence, then the essentially unique symmetric monoidal functor is an equivalence.

Proof. Simply choose to be the initial object of .

2Properties and Miscellany

Proposition 2.1. Consider the category of graded abelian groups, whose elements we denote as . This category admits a symmetric monoidal structure, given by (and the isomorphism brings to ), so the commutative algebra objects of this symmetric monoidal category are the graded commutative rings. Then the homotopy group functors induces a functor , given by . This functor can be naturally promoted to a lax symmetric monoidal functor.

Proof. I don’t know how to prove this rigorously, so I’ll only give a sketch of a seemingly possible method.

Since the tensor product on is exact in each variable and the sphere spectrum is the unit object, there are natural isomorphisms for . Therefore for we have a natural map . It then left to prove that these maps together with the natural isomorphism constitute a lax symmetric monoidal functor.

The only subtlety is to prove that the flip isomorphism is multiplication by instead of identity. To see this, we observe, using the constructions developed in section 1, that there are symmetric monoidal functors , where the first map is the left adjoint to the projection functor, is equipped with the product symmetric monoidal structure, and is equipped with the smash product symmetric monoidal structure. The flip isomorphism of then results from the filp isomorphism of , and then one can reduce to considering homotopy categories and and use some classical techniques...

Proposition 2.2 ([3] Lemma The canonical -structure on is compatible with the symmetric monoidal sturcture, in the sense of [3] Example Consequently, inherits a symmetric monoidal structure by virture of [3] Example Proposition 2.1 shows that this symmetric monoidal structure can be identified with the tensor product of abelian groups, through the homotopy group functor .



Jacob Lurie, “Kerodon”, https://kerodon.net/


Jacob Lurie, “Derived Algebraic Geometry III: Commutative Algebra”, October 21, 2009 version, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/DAG-III.pdf


Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HA.pdf


Jacob Lurie, “Higher Topos Theory”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/HTT.pdf