用户: Scavenger/Infinity Category and Higher Algebra/Stable Infinity Categories

1Basic Definitions and Properties

Notion 1.1. A zero object of an -category is an object that is simultaneously initial and final. An -category is called pointed if it admits a zero object. We often denote the zero object by .

Let be a pointed -category. A triangle in is a commutative square

in such that is a zero object of . A triangle is a fiber sequence if it is a pullback square, and a cofiber sequence if it is a pushout square.

Let be a morphism in . A fiber of it is a fiber sequence , and a cofiber of it is a cofiber sequence .

Definition 1.2. An -category is stable if it is pointed, every morphism admits a fiber and a cofiber, and a triangle in is a fiber sequence if and only if it is a cofiber sequence.

Notion 1.3. In a stable -category we have the notions of the loop and suspension functors as functors , defined by the fiber (equivalently, cofiber) sequences and , respectively. These two functors are inverses to each other.

If we let denote the th power of the suspension functor, and if we let it denote the th power of the loop functor.

Proposition 1.4. Let be a stable -category, then the homotopy category is additive, and gives a structure of a triangulated category, where is a distinguished triangle if and only if there is a commutative diagram

in such that the two squares are pushout squares, and is isomorphic to in .

Proposition 1.5. Let be a stable -category and a simplicial set, then is stable.

Proposition 1.6. A stable -category admits finite limits and colimits, and a commutative square in which is a pullback square if and only if it is a pushout square.

Proposition 1.7. Let be a functor between stable -categories, then it preserves finite limits if and only if it preserves finite colimits if and only if it brings zero objects to zero objects and brings fiber sequences to fiber sequences.

2Homological Algebra

Definition 2.1. Let be a triangulated category. A -structure on is a pair of full subcategories stable under isomorphisms, such that

(i) For any and , we have .

(ii) , .

(iii) For any there exists a distinguished triangle such that and .

In this situation for any we write for and for .

and uniquely determine each other, by the orthogonality condition of (i).

Definition 2.2. Let be a stable -category. A -structure on is a -structure on .

2.3. Let be a stable -category, equipped with a -structure. Then for any , is a reflective subcategory and is a coreflective subcategory. We let denote a left adjoint to the inclusion and denote a right adjoint to the inclusion .

Both the functors map and into themselves, where is an arbitrary integer.

For any we have a fiber sequence .

2.4. Let be a stable -category equipped with a -structure, let . We have a natural transformation of functors obtained as follows: using the adjointness of this transformation is equivalent to a transformation , which is obtained by applying to the adjunction map . This functor is an equivalence.

Definition 2.5. Let be a stable -category equipped with a -structure. The heart of is the full subcategory . For each we let denote the functor , and we let denote the composition .

Proposition 2.6. The -category is equivalent to the nerve of its homotopy category , which is an abelian category.

The functor is a homological functor, which means that for any fiber sequence in , the sequence is an exact sequence in .

Definition 2.7. Let be a stable -category. A -structure on is said to be nondegenerate if for any such that for any , we have .

If this is the case, then consists of elements with vanishing for , and similarly for .

A -structure is nondegenerate if and only if and are both equal to the full subcategory of zero objects.

3Stablization and Spectra

Definition 3.1. Let be a functor between -categories. If admits pushouts, then is said to be excisive if it brings pushout squares in to pullback squares in . If admits a final object, then is said to be reduced if it preserves final objects.

If admits pushouts, we use to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the excisive functors. If admits a final object, we use to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the reduced functors. If admits pushouts and a final object, we use to denote the full subcategory of spanned by the functors that are excisive and reduced.

Notation 3.2. Let denote the category of pointed objects of , that is, is the full subcategory of spanned by those morphisms such that is a final object of . Let denote the smallest replete full subcategory of which contains the final object and is stable under finite colimits. We will refer to as the -category of finite spaces. We let be the -category of pointed objects of .

is a pointed -category which admits pushouts, and thus it has a suspension functor , taking an object to the pushout of . Let be the Kan complex , together with an (arbitrarily) specified point, making it into an element of . Let .

Trick 3.3. Let be a strongly inaccessible cardinal that is the size parameter (or universe) we are currently using, or more precisely, in Notation 3.2 by we actually mean , the -category of -Kan complexes. It is not immediate that is essentially (-)small. However, we may always choose to work with the size parameters ’s such that there exists a strongly inaccessible cardinal , in which case is essentially -small.

Definition 3.4. Let be an -category which admits finite limits. A spectrum object of is a excisive and reduced functor . We write for .

Proposition 3.5. Let be an -category which admits finite limits, then is stable.

Proposition 3.6. Let be an -category which admits finite limits, let denote the -category of pointed objects of . Then the forgetful functor induces an equivalence .

Notation 3.7. Let be an -category which admits finite limits. Let denote the functor given by evaluation at . For we let denote the functor given by composing with . If , then is equivalent to the functor given by evaluation on .

Proposition 3.8. Let be a stable -category, let be an -category which admits finite limits. Let be the full subcategories spanned by the left exact functors (i.e.) those functors that preserve finite limits. Then the composition with induces an equivalence .

We now explain in which sense “spectrum objectinfinite delooping”.

Proposition 3.9. Let be a pointed -category which admits finite limits, thus there is a natrual loop functor . Let be the spine of (that is, is a one dimensional simplicial set whose vertices corresponds to elements of and whose nondegenerate edges are , where ), then there exists a limit diagram depicted as follows:

We now explain this proposition a bit: By virtue of [2] tag 03HV, for any sequence of maps of -categories

there is an -category denoted which is a limit of the above diagram in whose objects correspond bijectively to sequences of pairs , where , and each is an isomorphism in the -category .

Thus there is an isomorphism , bringing a spectrum to a sequence of pairs such that each in .

Definition 3.10. We let denote the -category of spectra. A spectrum is simply an object of .

Proposition 3.11. Let be a presentable -category, then the functor admits a left adjoint, which we will denote by .

Let be the full subcategory of spanned by the objects such that is a final object of . Then this determines an -structure on .

In this case the image of is contained in .

Notation 3.12. We denote the functor by and denote the composition by . Both and admit left adjoints, which we will denote by and , respectively.

We now take a closer look at the -structure on given by Proposition 3.11.

3.13. Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the spectra such that is contractible, then this determines a -structure on which is nondegenerate.

Consider the isomorphism given by Proposition 3.9, under which a spectrum corresponds to a sequence of pointed spaces together with equivalences . For , if and only if each is -truncated, and if and only if each is -connected. Thus if and only if each is an Eilenberg-MacLane object of of degree . Thus , where is the category of abelian groups.

In particular, for each , is a functor , and if , then this functor is equivalent to the composition .

Construction 3.14. Define a spectrum , which we will call the sphere spectrum.

The functor corresponds to a functor , and this functor is isomorphic to the functor corepresented by (recall that is an additive category). In particular, .

4Derived Categories

Construction 4.1. Let be an additive category, then the category of chain complexes in has a natural structure of a differential graded category. From now on when we mention we will always mean the differential graded category and we use to denote the underlying -category instead. We use to denote the full subcategory of right bounded chain complexes (i.e. those chain complexes such that for sufficiently (negatively) small).

Proposition 4.2. Let be an additive category, then the -category is stable.

We now investigate fiber sequences in .

Proposition 4.3. Let be an additive category. Suppose we have a pushout diagram

in such that is degreewise split (which means that each of the maps admits a left inverse), then this diagram becomes a pushout square in .

As a consequence, the triangulated structure on coincides with the ordinary triangulated structure on . (See [1] Remark for details.)

Construction 4.4 (right bounded derived -category). Let be an abelian category with enough projectives. Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the projective objects. We let denote the -category and refer to it as the right bounded derived -category of .

Proposition 4.5. Let be an abelian category with enough projectives. Then is stable, and its homotopy category is naturally equivalent to the ordinary right bounded derived -category of . Consequently there is a natural -structure on , given by the homology groups

Construction 4.6 (unbounded derived -category).

Remark 4.7. When we mention a Grothendieck abelian category we always mean the one defined in [3] tag 079B, which is (probably) different from that of [1] Definition However, every Grothendieck abelian category in our sense satisfies the conditions of [1] Definition, so don’t worry.

Let be a Grothendieck abelian category, then admits a model structure, where a cofibration is a levelwise monomorphism, and a weak equivalence is a quasi-isomorphim.

Remark 4.8. Thanks to [1] Lemma, every fibrant chain complex in the above model structure is K-injective, in the sense of [3] 070H.

We let denote the full subcategory spanned by the fibrant objects (which are automatically cofibrant). We let denote the -category , and refer to it as the derived -category of .

Proposition 4.9. Let be a Grothendieck abelian category, then is stable, and its homotopy category is naturally equivalent to the ordinary unbounded derived -category of . Consequently there is a natural -structure on , given by the homology groups.

Proposition 4.10 ([1] Proposition, Proposition Let be a Grothendieck abelian category, then is a reflective subcategory. We let denote a left adjoint to the inclusion functor . Then the composition is fully faithful, and its essential image is those essentially right bounded chain complexes.



Jacob Lurie, “Higher Algebra”, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/


Jacob Lurie, “Kerodon”, https://kerodon.net


The Stacks project authors, “The Stacks project”, https://stacks.math.columbia.edu