用户: Scavenger/Recording Some Facts/A Proof of Elkik’s Algebraization Theorem

In these notes we formulate and prove a version of Elkik’s algebraization theorem, using deformation theory of animated rings.

Definition 0.1. Let be an ordinary ring, be an ordinary -algebra. Let be a finitely generated ideal. Then is called -complete etale (-complete smooth) if is derived -complete as an -module, is concerntrated in degree , and is etale (smooth) over .

Theorem 0.2. Let be an ordinary ring, be an ordinary -algebra. Let be a finitely generated ideal. If is -completely etale (-completely smooth), then it is the nondiscrete derived -completion of an etale (smooth) -algebra.

Proof. We only treat the smooth case, since the proof of the etale case is similar and slightly easier.

We first fix some notations. In the following texts, will always mean (derived) tensor product over the -ring , instead of the ordinary tensor product of ordinary modules.

Using [1] tag 07M8 We can choose a smooth -algebra such that as -algebras. We will show that the derived -completion of is isomorphic to as -algebras. Let be generators of , write (as an animated -algebra). For , the map is a base change of the map , which is a map between discrete animated rings. Thus is a finite compisition of square zero extensions of animated rings. The map is also a finite composition of square zero extensions of animated rings. The -algebras and are isomorphic after derived base change to , so using deformation theory of animated rings, we see that we have a compatible system of isomorphisms of -algebras. Since and (taken in the -category ) are derived -completions of and (when passing to underlying connective -rings), respectively. So is equivalent to the derived -completion of , viewing as a connective -ring, thus is also the derived -completion of when viewing as an ordinary ring.




The Stacks project authors, “The Stacks project”, https://stacks.math.columbia.edu