用户: Scavenger/Recording Some Facts/A definition of Sites

Definition 0.1. Let be a category, a sieve on is a full subcategory having the property that if is a morphism of and , then .

Let be an object, a sieve on is a sieve on the category . Given a morphism of and a sieve on , we let denote the sieve on such that is an element of if and only if the composition is an element of .

A Grothendieck topology (or simply a topology) on is the data of, for each element , a collection of sieves on , which we refer to as covering sieves, required to satisfy the following conditions:

(i) If is an object, then the sieve on is a covering sieve.

(ii) If is a morphism of and is a covering sieve on , then is a covering sieve on .

(iii) Let be an object of , a covering sieve on , and an arbitrary sieve on . Suppose that for each belonging to the sieve , is a covering sieve on , then is a covering sieve on .

A site is a category together with a Grothendieck topology on .

Proposition 0.2 ([2] tag 00Z5). Let be a category equipped with a topology. Let be an object, let be two covering sieves on , then is again a covering sieve on .

Let be sieves on such that is a covering sieve, then is a covering sieve.

Definition 0.3 ([1] Definition Let be a category equipped with a topology. Let be a category. We say that a functor is a -valued sheaf on if the following condition is satisfied: For every object and every covering sieve on , the composite map is a colimit diagram in . We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the -valued sheaves on .

Example 0.4. Let be a small category and , then this definition coincides with that of [2] tag 00Z8.

Proposition 0.5. Let be a small category equipped with a topology. Then the category of sheaves of sets on is a reflective subcategory of the category of presheaves of sets on .

Proof. See [2] tag 00ZM.

Example 0.6. Let be a category. Let be a set, each of whose elements is a set together with an object of and a family of morphisms of with target indexed by , which we refer to as coverings, required to satisfy the following conditions:

(We will not be majorly concerned with the index sets , so we say that a collection of morphisms with fixed target is a covering if there exists an index set and an element of .)

(i) If is an isomorphism in , then is a covering.

(ii) If is a covering, and for each , is a covering, then the collection of composite morphisms is a covering.

(iii) If is a covering and is a morphism, then exists for all and is a covering.

Let be an element. A sieve on is called a covering sieve if there exists a covering such that each is an element of . Then these covering sieves form a topology on . Moreover, if is small, then a presheaf is a sheaf in this topology if and only if it is a sheaf with respect to the set of coverings .




Jacob Lurie, “Spectral Algebraic Geometry”, February 3, 2018 version, Avalible for download at https://www.math.ias.edu/ lurie/papers/SAG-rootfile.pdf


The Stacks project authors, “The Stacks project”, https://stacks.math.columbia.edu