用户: Scavenger/Simplicial Commutative Rings

Convention 0.1. We use the term “category” to mean -categories, and the term “-category” to mean -categories.

1Preliminaries of -Colimits

Definition 1.1 ([12] tag 04E6). Let be a functor between categories. We say that is -right cofinal if for every object the category is connected (as a simplicial set) (so in particular it is nonempty).

Remark 1.2. The terminology follows from [9], and in particular differs from the one of [12].

Warning 1.3. -right cofinal functors usually don’t coincide with right cofinal functors of [9] tag 02N1.

Example 1.4. Let be the full subcategory of spanned by the objects and , where is the simplex category of [9] tag 000A. Then the inclusion is -right cofinal.

Proposition 1.5 ([12] tag 002R). Let be a category, let be a -right cofinal functor of categories, and let be a functor. Then is a colimit diagram if and only if is a colimit diagram.

Definition 1.6. A category is called -sifted if it is nonempty and the diagonal functor is -right cofinal.

Proposition 1.7. Let be the category of simplicial sets, let be the category of categories, then the homotopy category functor of [9] tag 004N commutes with finite products.

Proof. This follows from the explicit construction of homotopy category given in the proof of [9] tag 004M.

Corollary 1.8. Let be a simplicial set, be a category, then the map is an isomorphism of simplicia sets.

Proposition 1.9. Let be a simplicial set, then the map induces an isomorphism .

Proof. This follows from the explicit construction of homotopy category given in the proof of [9] tag 004M.

Corollary 1.10. Let be a simplicial set, be a category. Then a diagram is a colimit diagram if and only if the induced diagram is a colimit diagram.

Proof. This follows from (the opposite of) [9] tag 02WA.

Corollary 1.11. Let be a category, then admits (co)limits indexed by small simplicial sets if and only if admits (co)limits indexed by small categories.

Notion 1.12. Let be a small (-)category. We use to denote the category obtained by freely adjoining small 1-sifted colimits to . It is defined as the full subcategory of spanned by those presheaves which can be written as a 1-sifted colimit of representable presheaves in (See [1] Corollary 2.7). When has finite coproducts these are precisely the functors that preserves finite products by the proof of [1] Corollary 2.8. This category satisfies a universal property similar to that of cocompletion of categories (See [1] Definition 2.2).

Proposition 1.13. Let denote the category of ordinary commutative rings, let denote the full subcategory spanned by those rings that are finitely generated polynomial algebras over . Then the natural map induced by the universal property of and the inclusion is an equivalence. An inverse of this functor is given by the following formula:

where and .

Proof. See the discussion of [2] 5.1.1.

2Sifted Colimits

Definition 2.1 ([8] Definition A simplicial set is called sifted if it is nonempty and the diagonal map is right cofinal.

Example 2.2 ([8] Example, Lemma A filtered -category is sifted. is sifted.

Definition 2.3 ([8] Definition Let be a small -category that admits finite coproducts. We let denote the full subcategory of spanned by those functors that presereve finite products.

Proposition 2.4. Let be a small -category that admits finite coproducts. Then is presentable and is stable under sifted colimits as a full subcategory of . Moreover, the Yoneda embedding factors through and brings finite coproducts in to finite coproducts in .

Proof. See [8] Proposition

Proposition 2.5 ([8] Proposition Let be a small -category that admits finite coproducts, let be an -category that admits small filtered colimits and geometric realizations. Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by those functors that preserve small filtered colimits and geometric realizations. Then

(i) Composition with the Yoneda embedding induces an equivalence .

(ii) Any functor preserves sifted colimits.

(iii) Assume that admits finite coproducts, then a functor preserves small colimits if and only if the composition preserves finite coproducts.

Proposition 2.6 ([8] Corollary Let be a functor between -categories, where admits small colimits. Then preserves small sifted colimits if and only if preserves small filtered colimits and geometric realizations.

3Classical Homotopy Theory of Simplicial Commutative Rings

Definition 3.1. A simplicial commutative ring is a simplicial object in the category of commutative rings. We use to denote the category of simplicial commutative rings.

Notice that the data of a simplicial commutative ring is equivalent to that of a ring object in the category of simplicial sets, so we have a natural notion of the underlying simplicial set of a simplicial commutative ring. We often view the underlying simplicial set of a simplicial commutative ring as a pointed simplicial set with 0 the specified point.

Construction 3.2. Let be an ordinary ring, then we can view as a simplicial commutative ring whose underlying simplicial set is the discrete simplicial set associated to the underlying set of .

Proposition 3.3. The underlying simplicial set of a simplicial commutative ring is a Kan complex.

Proof. Immediate consequence of [9] tag 00MG or [12] tag 08NZ.

Proposition 3.4. Let be a simplicial commutatice ring, which we regard as a pointed Kan complex with the specified point 0. The homotopy groups have the structure of a graded commutative ring such that the additive group structure on for coincides with the homotopy group structure.

Proof. The proof is not so hard so we only give a sketch. Let be the -dimensional sphere, so that for every pointed Kan complex . (For relevant notions, see [3] 3.8.8). Let , define to be . To check that this coincides with the homotopy group structure when one use the Eckmann-Hilton argument. For and we define to be . It is easy to verify that this indeed gives a graded commutative ring structure. Notice that the graded commutativity instead of strict commutativity results from the fact that the flip automorphism creates a sign .

The Simplicial Model Structure

We use [4] and [5] as our references.

Construction 3.5. Let be a category with coproducts. Let be the category of simplicial objects of . We define a functor given by for and . We give an enrichment over by defining to satisfy the universal property . It is not hard to check that this indeed gives a simplicial enrichment.

Choosing to be the category of commutative rings we obtain a simplicial enrichment on .

Proposition 3.6. There exists a combinatorial simplicial model category structure on such that a morphism is

(i) a weak equivalence if and only if is a homotopy equivalence on underlying Kan complexes.

(ii) a fibration if and only if is a Kan fibration on underlying Kan complexes.

Proof. Combine [5] Theorem 4.17 and Proposition 1.23. For the property of being combinatorial, we refer to [11].

Example 3.7. For , is cofibrant by [5] Proposition 4.21.

4Animated Rings

Definition 4.1. Let denote the full subcategory of the category of ordinary commutative rings spanned by those rings that are finitely generated polynomial algebras over . We call the -category the -category of animated rings, and denote it by . Elements of are called animated rings. ( is essentially small so there’re no size problems.) is presentable by Proposition 2.4.

Relation to Simplicial Commutative Rings

Construction 4.2. Let be a small (-)category, the category admits a simplicial enrichment defined by the tensor product

where . (i.e. , where is a simplicial set and .)

If admits finite products, let denote the full subcategory of spanned by those functors which preserve finite products. inherits a simplicial enrichment as a full subcategory of a simplicial category.

We define a model structure on by the following rules:

(i) A natural transformation of functors is a weak equivalence if and only if is a weak homotopy equivalence for each .

(ii) A natural transformation of functors is a fibration if and only if is a Kan fibration for each .

This model structure is well defined and compatible with the simplicial enrichment by [8] Proposition, and thus defines a simplicial model structure on .

Now the natural functor is a simplicially enriched functor and thus induces a functor , which induces a functor . This functor restricts to a functor , where means the full subcategory of spanned by the fibrant-cofibrant objects. It is easy to see that this functor is given on objects by taking homotopy coherent nerve, thus restricts to a functor . This functor is an equivalence of -categories by [8] Corollary

4.3. Now let in Construction 4.2. We have an equivalence of -categories , where is the simplicial model category consisting of functors which preserve finite products. We now explore what is.

is a full subcategory of . It is easy to see that this induces an isomorphism , which is equivalent to . It is not hard to check that this equivalence is compatible with the simplicial model structures given in Construction 4.2 and Section 3.

Thus we have an equivalence , where is the full subcategory of spanned by cofibrant simplicial commutative rings. This equivalence carries a simplicial commutative ring to the homotopy coherent nerve of the functor , where .

We now explore further properties. For a simplicial category we use to denote the underlying -category, so for example means the -category of simplicial commutative rings, and is with the simplicial enrichment.

Since is a combinatorial model category and every object of it is fibrant, there exists a cofibrant replacement functor and a natural transformation , where is the inclusion, such that is a weak equivalence for every . The functor exhibits as the (-categorical) localization of at the weak equivalences by [7] Theorem, thus the composite exhibits as the localization of at the weak equivalences. Composing with the equivalence obtained above, we get the following result:

Proposition 4.4. The hom functor (where we view as a full subcategory of ) gives rise to a functor , which gives a functor by currying. This functor exhibits as the (-categorical) localization of at the weak equivalences and in particular it is essentially surjective. Its restriction to the subcategory is fully faithful (see Proposition 1.13, in particular its essential image is ). Further restricting to gives the Yoneda embedding .

Relation to Connective -Rings

Notation 4.5. We use to denote the -category of -rings, and use to denote the full subcategory of connective -rings. Let denote the -category of connective spectra.

Notion 4.6. Since admits colimits, using the universal property of and the natural inclusion we obtain a functor , which is well defined up to equivalence. preserves small limits and colimits by [10] Proposition (1) (and consequently it admits left and right adjoints since the source and target -categories are presentable), and the two functors and are equivalent and preserves sifted colimits by the proof of [10] Proposition (2) and consequently it is conservative. As a consequence, is conservative, and preserves small sifted colimits.

Now we have two ways to define homotopy groups of an animated ring: the first is through the functor constructed above, and the second through the model of simplicial commutative rings of Proposition 4.4 and the homotopy groups of simplicial commutative rings of Proposition 3.4. We next roughly prove that the two ways are equivalent (as functors , where is the category of graded commutative rings), with lots of details omitted.

Our strategy is as follows: the map extends to a “multiplication law”, which is roughly a functor bringing a connective -ring to a map in , where we identify with its underlying space . The multiplication law of the graded commutative ring is induced from this map by taking homotopy groups. There are also “addition law” and “unit law”. Let’s consider only multiplication law for example, and the general case can be treated similarly.

Now there are two multiplication laws for : the first one is obtained by composing with , and the second one is obtained by using the model of simplicial rings. Our aim is to prove that this two functors are equivalent. For this purpose it suffice to prove that they coincide when being restricted to , and they both preserve sifted colimits. The first claim is easy, and it remains to deal with the second (and some other subtleties).

We first rigorously define the map of multiplication law. We only treat the case of -rings for the sake of simplicity. The -category has a canonical symmetric monoidal structure, given by the smash product, which preserves colimits separately in each variable, and the map is symmetric monoidal. We thus obtain a map . Consider the map defined by coordinates . The target -category of the multiplication law functor is defined to be . Let be a connective -ring, then we have a natural map of spectra , and this map is functorial in . Using adjunctions this induces a map in functorial in , and thus can be promoted to a functor .

We next prove that admits sifted colimits and that preserves sifted colimits. Using [8] Proposition we see that and hence preserves sifted colimits. Using [9] tag 02X6, tag 02KQ and tag 030M we see that admits sifted colimits and the functor preserves sifted colimits since preserves sifted colimits.

Summarizing all we’ve done above we obtain the following

Proposition 4.7. The two ways of defining yields equivalent functors, where is the category of graded commutative rings.

Truncations of Animated Rings

Proposition 4.8. Let . An animated ring is -truncated as an object of if and only if its underlying space is -truncated.

Proof. Omitted.

4.9. Let . Since the truncation functor preserves finite product, the -truncation functor of is induced by the -truncation functor of .

Proposition 4.10. Let , let be an animated ring, let be a map of animated rings that exhibits as an -truncation of , then the map exhibits as the -truncation of .

Proof. Consider homotopy groups.

Modules over Animated Rings

Notion 4.11. We let denote the fiber product . Let be an animated , we let denote the fiber product , so there is a canonical isomorphism . We use and to denote the full subcategories spanned by the connective modules.

4.12. Let be an animated ring, then the forgetful functor has a left adjoint by [7] Example The functor also has a left adjoint by [8] Proposition So we see that the forgetful functor has a left adjoint.

4.13. [7] Corollary (2) shows that and are presentable. The opposite of [7] Proposition in the special case where and yields the following:

Proposition 4.14. Let be a cocartesian fibration of -categories such that for each the fiber admits a final object, then has a right adjoint and in particular preserves all colimits which exist in .

Applying the above proposition to the presentable fibration ( is indeed a presentable fibration by virtue of [7] Corollary we see that preserves small colimits. Using [7] Proposition (4) we see that the functor preserves sifted colimits and in particular is accessible. Using [8] Lemma, Proposition and [7] Proposition we see that the -category is accessible and the functor preserves sifted colimits, and the map is a presentable fibration. Using [9] tag 02X6 and tag 031R we see that admits small colimits and the map preserves small colimits, in particular is presentable. Using the above argument again we see that is presentable and the forgetful functor preservs small colimits.

Using [7] Proposition (4) we see that the forgerful functor and hence preserves sifted colimits.

Proposition 4.15 ([10] Let denote the full subcategory spanned by those pairs where is a discrete animated ring equivalent to for some , and is a discrete -module equivalent to for some . Then the inclusion extends to an equivalence .

4.16. Let denote the (-)category of pairs where is an ordinary commutative ring and is a discrete -module. Let denote the category of simplicial objects of . admits a natural combinatorial simplicial model structure ([8] Proposition and is equivalent to the localization of at the equivalences ( is an equivalence if and are equivalences of Kan complexes) by Proposition 4.15.

5Localizations of Animated Rings

Local Objects

Definition 5.1 ([8] Definition Let be an -category and an collection of morphisms of . We say that an object of is -local if, for every morphism belonging to , composition with induces an equivalence of spaces.

A morphism of is an -equivalence if, for every -local object , composition with induces an equivalence of spaces.

Proposition 5.2 ([8] Proposition Let be a presentable -category and let be a small set of morphisms of . Let denote the full subcategory spanned by the -local objects, then is a reflective subcategory of .

Now we turn to localizations of animated rings.

Proposition 5.3. Let be an animated ring, let be a subset. Then there exists a morphism of animated rings such that for all the Kan complex is nonempty if and only if the image of all under the map is invertible. Further, if it is nonempty, then it is contractible.

Proof. Let be a left adjoint to the forgerful functor . Consider the set . Set to be a -equivalence such that is -local as an object of .

An object is -local if and only if for every , the map induced by is an equivalence. This condition is equivalent to the multiplication of on (via the map ) being an equivalence for all . Therefore an -algebra is -local if and only if the image every under the map is invertible.

Now let be an -algebra. If is -local, then is contractible hence nonempty. Conversely, if is nonempty, then it is easy to see that is -local.

6Cotangent Complexes of Animated Rings

Construction 6.1. Let be the category of Proposition 4.15, the construction determines a functor , which extends to a functor preserving small sifted colimits, which we denote by . Notice that we have a commutative diagram

so extends to a functor , whose restriction to is equal to , and the restriction to is equal to the composite , where the first functor is the forgerful functor, and the second functor is the diagonal map.

The functor is equivalent to the functor , where the first functor is given by and , and the second functor is given by .

We take the simplicial model structure of 4.16 into account. In this case gives a functor . Localizing at the equivalences we obtain a functor . It is easy to see that this functor is induced by the functor , where is the category in Proposition 4.15, under the identifications and , and in particular it preserves sifted colimits, and consequently coincides with .

Lemma 6.2. Let be an -category, a morphism of . Then the functor is a left fibration.

Proof. Omitted.

Construction 6.3. Consider the functor , let denote the -category , so we have an isofibration . Let be an animated ring, then using Lemma 6.2, we see that is a left fibration.

Definition 6.4. Let be an animated ring. A universal derivation for is an element of such that for each , the map is a homotopy equivalence, where is the image of in . In view of [9] tag 02J8, this is equivalent to being an initial object of .

Proposition 6.5 ([10] Proposition Let be an animated ring, then there exists a universal derivation for .

Lemma 6.6. The map is a cartesian fibration, and the map brings -cartesian edges to -cartesian edges.

Proof. Use the fact that whenever is a -cartesian edge of , the diagram

is a pullback square in to show that is a locally cartesian fibration, and then show that the composition of two locally cartesian edges is locally cartesian. Details omitted.

Corollary 6.7. Let be an animated ring and . Inview of [9] tag 02X6 and Lemma 6.6, is a universal derivation for if and only if is an initial object of if and only if is a -initial object.

Construction 6.8. Let denote the full subcategory spanned by those functors such that for every animated ring , is a universal derivation for . Then is a contractible Kan complex by Proposition 6.5 and [9] tag 030R. Choose an arbitrary element of , we call it the universal derivation functor. We denote the composite by and call it the (algebraic) cotangent complex functor.

Example 6.9. Let , where , we prove that the cotangent complex for is equivalent to the -module .

Consider the diagram

in where is obtained form the universal derivation for in ordinary commutative algebra. This diagram determines an element whose image in is . We need to prove that is an initial object of . For this purpose we only need to verify that satisfies the following universal property:

For every , the map , mapping to such that there exists a morphism in covering , is a bijection.

This is easy: Notice that and for any animated ring .

Proposition 6.10. The cotangent complex functor is a left adjoint to the functor .

Proof. The construction of the cotangent complex provides a natural transformation , bringing an animated ring to the morphism provided by the universal derivation. We prove that this natural transformation exhibits as a left adjoint to . For this purpose we only need to prove that for animated rings and and a -module , the map is an equivalence.

Since is generated under sifted colimits by , for , it suffices to prove the case where . In this case is a compact projective object of , is a compact projective object of , and the functor preserves sifted colimits, so it suffices to prove the situation where is a finitely generated polynomial algebra over and for some , which is easy.

Corollary 6.11. The cotangent complex functor preserves small colimits.

Relative Cotangent Complexes

Construction 6.12 ([6] Definition 1.39). Let be an -category, and let be a cocartesian fibration of -categories satisfying the following conditions:

(i) Each fiber of is a stable -category.

(ii) admits pushouts and preserves pushouts.

A relative cofiber sequence in is a diagram :

in satisfying the following conditions:

(i) The map factors through the projection , so the vertical arrows above become degenerate in .

(ii) The diagram is a pushout square in .

(iii) is a zero object in the corresponding fiber of .

Let denote the full subcategory of spanned by the relative cofiber sequences. Then restriction to the upper half of the diagram above gives a trivial Kan fibration .

Now let and . The relative cotangent complex functor is defined to be the composition , where is a section of , and is given by restricting to the lower right vertex of the above diagram. We will denote the image of a morphism of under the relative cotangent complex functor by .

Proposition 6.13. Suppose given a pushout diagram

in , then the induced map is a -cocartesian morphism in .

Proof. The same proof of [6] Proposition 1.45 works.

7Deformation Theory of Animated Rings

Construction 7.1. We have a natural functor , taking a derivation to a diagram

where is the trivial square zero extension. This functor extends to a functor , taking a derivation to a pullback diagram

Restricting to the upper left vertex we obtain a functor .

Proposition 7.2. Let denote the subcategory of consisting of objects and morphisms of such that the image of in satisfies that , and the image of in is -cocartesian. Let , then the functor induces an equivalence of -categories .

Remark 7.3. Let be a morphism in , then we obtaing a commutative diagram

where the upper, bottom, left , right faces are pushout squares, and the front and back faces are pullback squares. The proof of this fact will be given below.

Proof. I’ve not found a proof in the literature, so I’ll give a rough sketch below.

We first explain how we are going to prove the proposition. Let be the nerve of the following category:

Let be the full subcategory spanned by the diagrams in such that the upper left square is a pullback square. Let be the nerve of the subcategory

of . We have a natural map , mapping to

where is the trivial square zero extension. Let , so the natural map is a trivial Kan fibration. Let . We are going to prove that the functor given by evaluation at the upper left vertex is a left fibration after a fibrant replacement. For this purpose, we first prove that every edge of is a -colimit diagram (see [9] tag 01UM and tag 02KL).

To prove this we claim that we only need the following two facts:

(i) Remark 7.3 is true.

(ii) Let be a -cocartesian edge of , then every square of the induced diagram

is a pushout diagram in .

Indeed, using [7] Lemma and (i), we see that the image of every edge of in is a -colimit diagram. Using (ii) we see that the image of every edge of in is a -colimit diagram.

Now we start proving (i) and (ii). The proof of (ii) is rather easy, so we omit. To prove (i), notice that all our constructions above regarding animated rings (including the trivial square zero extension, the definition of a derivation, and the square zero extension corresponding to a derivation) are compatible with the corresponding constructions regarding -rings (see [7] Subsection 7.4.2), in a suitable sense, so the claim follows from (ii) and [7] Theorem

We next prove that is a cocartesian fibration after a fibrant replacement (which completes the proof by virtue of [9] 02LK). Suppose we are given a diagram

as in Construction 7.1. Let be a map of animated rings, form a diagram

in by pushing out along . By claim (ii) above we see that , so the back part of the above diagram gives an element in . It is easy to see that the front square is a pullback square in , hence so is the back square, thus the back square is a pullback square in . Thus every edge in admits a -cocartesian lift, after a fibrant replacement, and we’ve finished the proof.

Definition 7.4. Let be a morphism of animated ring. It is called a square zero extension if there exists an -module and a derivation such that and is equivalent to in .

Example 7.5. Let be a (not necessarily trivial) square zero extension of ordinary rings. Let , regarded as an -module. We are going to prove that is a square zero extension of by , in the sense of Definition 7.4.

We define a simplicial commutative ring whose underlying simplicial abelian group corresponds to the chain complex concerntrated in degrees under the Dold-Kan correspondence as follows:

Let , let as abelian group, where each as abelian groups, and inview of the explicit formula of Dold-Kan correspondence ([7] Construction, corresponds to the unique surjection , and for , corresponds to the unique surjection such that and .

The multiplication law on is defined as follows: Let , if , and otherwise; if , and otherwise, then

It is easy to check that this indeed gives the structure of a simplicial commutative ring.

We have a natural diagram

in , which we can easily check to be equivalent to .

Now we construct another simplicial commutative ring whose underlying simplicial abelian group corresponds to the chain complex concerntrated in degrees under the Dold-Kan correspondence as follows:

Let , let as abelian group, where each as abelian groups, and inview of the explicit formula of Dold-Kan correspondence ([7] Construction, corresponds to the unique surjection , and for , corresponds to the unique surjection such that and .

The multiplication law on is defined as follows: Let , if , and otherwise; if , and otherwise, then

It is easy to check that this indeed gives the structure of a simplicial commutative ring.

We have a natural map of simplicial commutative rings which is an equivalence. We also have a natural commutative diagram of simplicial commutative rings

which becomes a pushout diagram when passing to , by [7] Corollary Thus this is a pullback diagram of animated rings. This is the diagram that exhibits as a square zero extension of .

Proposition 7.6. Suppose we have a pushout diagram

in such that is a square zero extension, then is a square zero extension.

Proof. Immediate consequence of Proposition 7.2 and Remark 7.3.

Proposition 7.7. Let be an animated ring, let , then the map is a square zero extension.

Proof. See [14] Lemma 2.52 or [13] Lemma

8Properties of Cotangent Complexes

Definition 8.1. Let be an animated ring. An -module is called flat (projective) if it is flat (projective) as a -module.

Let be a morphism of animated rings. It is called etale if is an etale morphism of -rings. It is called smooth if is flat as an -module and is a smooth morphism of ordinary rings.

Proposition 8.2. Let be a morphism of animated rings. Then it is smooth if and only if is a projective -module and is of finite presentation over . It is etale if and only if vanishes and is of finite presentation over .

Proof. See [14] Proposition 2.56 or [13] Theorem


Proposition 9.1. Let and be two morphisms of , such that is a square zero extension. If is smooth, then is weakly left orthogonal to . If is etale, then is left orthogonal to . (See [9] tag 04MY and tag 04NN for relevant definitions.)

Proof. Suppose the square zero extension comes from a pullback diagram of animated rings as follows:

where is an -connective -module, is a derivation from to , and is the trivial derivation from to . According to [9] tag 04N5 and tag 04P4 we only need to prove that is weakly left orthogonal or left orthogonal to in the corresponding cases. Suppose we are given a diagram

then it is easy to see that is equivalent to . Therefore if we are given a diagram

then the homotopy fibers of the map are connected if is smooth, and contractible if is etale. Since the composite map is equivalent to the identity, we easily get what we want.



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