用户: Solution/ 习题: 规范场/Example Sheet 1


Question 1. Let and be smooth manifolds and a smooth map.

Suppose and are vector fields on and respectively. If is -related to (i.e. ,), prove that

If is -related to , prove that is -related to .


If , then

Hence ; similarly, . Therefore,

Question 2. Show that

is a non-compact Lie group of dimension;

is a non-compact Lie group of dimension;

both of them are non-abelian for .


Let denote the set of matrices with real entries. Because it is a real vector space of dimension under matrix addition and scalar multiplication, is a smooth -dimensional smooth manifold. Now is an open subset of , namely the set where is nonzero, hence is a smooth -dimensional submanifold of . Moreover, for all , . Therefore is not bounded, hence non-compact.

Next we prove that admits a Lie group structure. Multiplication is smooth because the matrix entries of a product matrix are polynomials in the entries of and . Inversion is smooth by Cramer’s Rule. When , , hence is not Abelian when .

The case for is similar.

Question 3. Find an explicit Lie group homomorphism with discrete kernel.


Consider the homomorphism

is indeed a Lie group homomorphism. is clearly a group homomorphism; to prove is smooth, note just

The two terms of the left hand side of the above equation are embeddings of and into , respectively. Hence they are smooth; but also product operation in Lie group is smooth, so is smooth.

The kernel of is discrete.

If , then , . Moreover, , implies , which means that the possible values of are taken from , which is discrete.

Question 4. Let and identify the Lie algebra of an embedded Lie subgroup of with a Lie subalgebra of . Prove that

The Lie bracket on the Lie subalgebra of is the standard commutator of matrices.

The Lie algebras of classical groups are the following Lie subalgebras of .

[Hint : Use the fact that ‘If is an embedded Lie subgroup of , then is an embedded Lie subalgebra of ’ and compute the dimension of each matrix group.]

See [Ha17] Theorem 1.5.22 and 1.5.27.

Question 5. Let and with lying in Show that is closed under the map

Solution: Use Question 4 and DIRECT calculation.

Question 6. Let be a connected Lie group. Define the centre of as Prove that

is the kernel of the adjoint representation .

is an embedded Lie subgroup in with Lie algebra given by the centre of .

is abelian if and only if is abelian.

is trivial (i.e. every element of is mapped to the identity) if and only if is abelian.

The left-invariant and right-invariant vector fields on a connected Lie group coincide if and only if is abelian.

Solution: Suppose that is trivial, and let . Now is a curve in whose velocity at is , since is trivial. However, is also a curve in with initial velocity , and by the uniqueness of integral curve, . In particular, when one has . For general , since is connected, by Proposition 7.14 of [Lee13], can always be written as , and the commutativity comes from iterating what we have done above. Hence . On the other hand elements of clearly fall into . Therefore .

Now by Proposition 20.8 of [Lee13], we have a commutative diagramSince , the Lie algebra of is given by In order this correspondence behaves well, one must demonstrate that is a closed subgroup of . For this, let . Then is the preimage where is the smooth map . Therefore, is closed, and then is a closed subgroup of .



John M. Lee. Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer, 2013.


Hamilton, Mark J.D. Mathematical Gauge Theory. Universitext. Springer, 2017.