用户: Solution/ 习题: 规范场/Example Sheet 2

Question 1. Consider a group and a set .

Let be a left action. Then defines a right action of on .

Find an example of a left action does not define a right action of on .

Question 2. Consider the left action of on , defined by matrix multiplication, and vectors

Determine the fundamental vector fields on .

Show, by direct calculation, that

Calculate directly with

Compare with .

Question 3. Let be Lie groups with a Lie group homomorphism . Suppose that acts continuously on the right on smooth manifold and acts continuously on the right on smooth manifold . Consider a -equivariant map , i.e. Prove

If is continuous, then induces a continuous map

If is an isomorphism and is a homeomorphism, then is a homeomorphism.

Question 4. Consider the half-plane and the special linear group

Show that the map is a well-defined left-action of on .

Prove that this action is transitive and that it defines a diffeomorphism between and .

Question 5. Consider the Möbius strip Define the projection by . Denote the map , for .

Show that is a fibre bundle with general fibre .

Prove that the boundary is connected and that the bundle is not trivial.

Prove that the image of any smooth section intersects the zero section , .

Show that the pull-back bundle is isomorphic to the bundle given by

Determine those for which is trivial and those for which it is non-trivial.

Question 6. Let be a principal bundle and a smooth map between smooth manifolds. Prove that the pullback has the canonical structure of a principal -bundle over .

Question 7. Let and be fibre bundles and a bundle morphism. Suppose that maps every fibre of diffeomorphically onto a fibre of . Show that is a bundle isomorphism.

Question 8. Let and be principle bundles. Suppose is a Lie group isomorphism. Show that every -equivariant bundle morphism is a diffeomorphism.

Question 9. Let be a -vector bundle of rank with a positive definite bundle metric. Suppose is a vector subbundle. Prove that the orthogonal complement is a vector subbundle of and that is isomorphic to .

Question 10. Let be a principle bundle and , for representations on . Consider the associated vector bundles

Show that the dual bundle , the direct sum and the tensor product are isomorphic to vector bundles associated to .

Determine the corresponding representations of and the vector bundle isomorphisms.

Question 11. Let be a complex vector bundle of rank . Show that is associated to a principal -bundle over if and only if is a trivial complex line bundle.

Question 12. Let be an associated vector bundle and a section of the adjoint bundle . Prove that defines a canonical endomorphism of the vector bundle .