用户: Solution/ 笔记: 金融中的随机分析


此处参考由 Steven E. Shreve 所编写的英文教材《Stochastic Calculus for Finance II》, 也有中译版, 这边仅对名词做中译


Filtration 域流

定义 1.1. Given a fixed number , if :

, is - algebra ;


Then,is a filtration.

Martingale 鞅

定义 1.2. Given a fixed number , filtration and a stochastic process , if : Then is a martingale, also known as an adapted stochastic process.

Markov process 马尔科夫过程

定义 1.3. Given a fixed number , filtration , an adapted stochastic process and Borel-measurable functions , if : Then is a Markov process.

2Symmetric Random Walk