For an arbitrary sequence {αn}↓α, we have the pointwise convergence χ∣f∣>αn↓χ∣f∣>α. If df(α) is unbounded, then the proposition holds automatically. Otherwise, χ∣f∣>αn are all bounded by χ∣f∣>α, thus df(α)=∫χ∣f∣>αdμ=DCTn→∞lim∫χ∣f∣>αndμ=n→∞limdf(αn).
Let E={∣f∣>α} and En={∣fn∣>α}. Thus by noting that μ(⋂n=m∞En)≤n→∞liminfμ(En) and E⊂⋃m=1∞⋂n=m∞En, μ-a.e., we have df≤n→∞liminfdfn by definition.
We have n→∞limsupdfn≤df by ∣fn∣↑∣f∣. Now the result comes with (b) that n→∞limsupdfn≤df≤n→∞liminfdfn.
Use induction. Suppose this holds for the k−1 case, and consider the k case. If pk=∞, then since j=1∑k−1pj1=p1, we have by pulling out the essential supremum of ∣fk∣ that ∥f1⋯fk∥Lp≤∥f1⋯fk−1∥Lp∥fk∥L∞≤∥f1∥Lp1⋯∥fk−1∥Lpk−1∥fk∥L∞.Otherwise, if pk<∞, then automatically p<∞. Set r=pk−ppk and q=ppk. Then ∥f1⋯fk∥Lp=∥∣f1⋯fk∣p∥L1p1≤Ho¨lder∥∣f1⋯fk−1∣p∥Lrp1∥∣fk∣p∥Lqp1=∥f1⋯fk−1∥Lpr∥fk∥Lpq≤∥f1∥Lp1⋯∥fk−1∥Lpk−1∥fk∥Lpk.Also, note that the k=2 case is contained in the proof.
The equality condition is the same as the one of Hölder’s inequality in the k=2 case.
It suffices to show that ∥fg∥L1∥g−1∥L1−qq≥∥f∥Lq, which is straightforward by (a).
If ∥f∥L∞=∞, then define En={∣f∣>n}. Since μ(En)>0 for each n, we have ∥f∥Lp≥∥f∥Lp(En)≥nμ(En)p1. Let p→∞ to get p→∞liminf∥f∥Lp≥n, then let n vary.
If ∥f∥L∞<∞, now ∥f∥Lp≤∥f∥L∞pp−p0∥f∥Lp0pp0. Let p→∞, we obtain p→∞limsup∥f∥Lp≤∥f∥L∞. For another, set Eγ={∣f∣>γ∥f∥L∞} for arbitrary γ∈(0,1). Then μ(Eγ)>0 and thus ∥f∥Lp0(Eγ)>0, and ∥f∥Lp≥(γ∥f∥L∞)pp−p0∥f∥Lp0(Eγ)pp0.Again let p→∞, we get p→∞liminf∥f∥Lp≥γ∥f∥L∞. Now let γ→1.
By Jensen’s inequality, we have ∫Xlog∣f∣dμ≤log(∫X∣f∣dμ).This yields ∥f∥Lp=(∫X∣f∣pdμ)p1≥(exp(∫Xplog∣f∣dμ))p1=exp(∫Xlog∣f∣dμ).
Fix a sequence {pn}↓0 bounded by p0 and define hn(x)=p01(∣f(x)∣p0−1)−pn1(∣f(x)∣pn−1).Using that ∫1tsp−1ds=p1(tp−1)↓logt as p↓0, the Lebesgue monotone convergence theorem yields ∫Xhndμ↑∫Xhdμ, hence ∫Xpn1(∣f(x)∣pn−1)dμ↓∫Xlog∣f∣dμ.Using part (b) and taking t=∫X∣f∣pndμ in the inequality t≤et−1, we get exp(∫Xlog∣f∣dμ)≤(∫X∣f∣pndμ)pn1≤exp(∫Xpn1(∣f∣pn−1)dμ).Thus take n→∞ and we have p→0lim∥f∥Lp=exp(∫Xlog∣f∣dμ).
Use Jensen’s inequality of integration to f(x)=k=1∑∞akχ[k−1,k)and X=R−(−∞,0], since xθ is convex for θ∈(0,1]. Another way is to assume that 1=(∑j=1∞aj)θ by homogeneity, which implies aj≤1, and subsequently 1=j=1∑∞aj≤j=1∑∞ajθ.
This is the same as the preceding question with a change in convexity. Or observe that (j=1∑∞ajθ)1/θ≤j=1∑∞(ajθ)1/θ=j=1∑∞aj.
Use the discrete Jensen’s inequality. The problem is the same as (N∑j=1Naj)θ≤N1j=1∑Najθ.
The same as (c).
Since p≥1, we have ∥j=1∑Nfj∥Lpp=∫X∣∣j=1∑Nfj∣∣pdμ=∫X∣∣j=1∑Nfj∣∣∣∣j=1∑Nfj∣∣p−1dμ≤i=1∑N∫X∣fi∣∣∣j=1∑Nfj∣∣p−1dμ≤Ho¨lder(i=1∑N∥fi∥Lp)(∫X∣∣j=1∑Nfi∣∣pdμ)pp−1=i=1∑N∥fi∥Lp∥∑j=1Nfj∥Lp∥∑j=1Nfj∥Lpp.The rest is by multiplying both sides by ∥∑j=1Nfj∥Lp1−p.
This is just the same with (a). Here the first “≤” turns to “=” and the Hölder’s inequality turns its direction.
This is direct from 1.1.4 (a) pointwise on X, and subsequently 1.1.4 (c) where aj=∫X∣fj∣pdμ.
Take n disjoint sets Mj with the same measure α>0 and take fj=χMj. Then ∥∑j=1Nfj∥Lp=Np1αp1 and ∑j=1N∥fj∥Lp=Nαp1.
The p=1 case is trivial. When p>1, let q be the conjugate number of p, then set G(t)=∫XF(x,t)dμ(x), we have ∥G∥Lp(ν)p=∫T(∫XF(x,t)dμ(x))G(t)p−1dν(t)=∫X∫TF(x,t)G(t)p−1dν(t)dμ(x)≤Ho¨lder∫X(∫TF(x,t)pdν(t))p1∥G∥Lp(ν)p−1dμ(x).Now eliminating ∥G∥Lp(ν)p−1 on both sides finishes the proof when ∥G∥Lp(ν)<∞. Otherwise, choose ascending sequences of subsets Xn⊂X and Tn⊂T, such that ⋃nXn=X and ⋃nTn=T, and μ(Xn),ν(Tn)<∞ for all n. Now take Fk=max(F,k). Thence [∫Tm(∫XnFk(x,t)dμ(x))pdν(t)]p1≤∫Xn[∫TmF(x,t)pdν(t)]p1dμ(x).for all m,n and k∈N. By monotonicity, we obtain the desired result by taking m,n→∞ and then k.
Let (X,μ) be a σ-finite measure space, and (T,ν) be a finite measure space. For every nonnegative measurable function F on the product space (X,μ)×(T,ν) we have ∥∥∫XF(x,t)dμ(x)∥∥L∞(T,ν)≤∫X∥F(x,t)∥L∞(T,ν)dμ(x).For the proof, take p→∞ in (a), and ν(T)<∞ guarantees that p→∞lim∥⋅∥Lp(T,ν)=∥⋅∥L∞(T,ν).
Since Hölder’s inequality reverses when 0<p<1.
(X,μ) is not σ-finite now, and (a) as well as (b) no longer holds for the F. Indeed, ∫XF(x,t)dμ(x)=μ({t})=1 for any t∈T, and therefore the left–hand side equals (∫Tdν(t))p1=1; ∫TF(x,t)pdν(t)=1 for any x∈X, and therefore the right–hand side equals ∫X0dμ(x)=0.
Since ∥j=1∑Nfj∥Lp,∞=sup{γdf1+⋯+fN(γ)p1:γ>0}≤j=1∑Nsup{γdfj(Nγ)p1:γ>0}=Nj=1∑Nsup{γdfj(γ)p1:γ>0}=Nj=1∑N∥fj∥Lp,∞.
Since ∥j=1∑Nfj∥Lp,∞=sup{γdf1+⋯+fN(α)p1:γ>0}≤Np1−1j=1∑Nsup{γdfj(Nγ)p1:γ>0}=Np1j=1∑Nsup{γdfj(γ)p1:γ>0}=Np1j=1∑N∥fj∥Lp,∞.
Suppose {fn} is an Lp Cauchy sequence. Let {ni} be a sequence such that ∥fni+1−fni∥Lp≤2i1. Thus the series f=fn1+∑i=1∞(fni+1−fni) converges in Lp. The next thing is to verify that fn⟶Lpf. This is because for all ε>0, take n,nk sufficiently large such that ∥fn−fnk∥Lp<ε, and then ∫X∣fn−f∣pdμ=∫Xk→∞liminf∣fn−fnk∣pdμ≤Fatouk→∞liminf∫X∣fn−fnk∣pdμ=k→∞liminf∥fn−fnk∥Lpp<εp,which implies ∥fn−f∥Lp<ε. Thus we have shown the completeness.
Note that for ε>0, {x∈X∣fn(x)→f(x)}⫅m=1⋃∞n=m⋂∞{x∈X∣∣fn(x)−f(x)∣<ε}⫅X,in which both sides have measure μ(X). Since n=m⋂∞{x∈X∣∣fn(x)−f(x)∣<ε}⫅n=m+1⋂∞{x∈X∣∣fn(x)−f(x)∣<ε},we haven=N⋂∞{x∈X∣∣fn(x)−f(x)∣<ε}>μ(X)−εfor some large N, thus μ({x∈X∣∣fn(x)−f(x)∣<ε})<εfor n>N.
This is due todfγ(α)dfγ(α)=μ({∣f∣>γ}∩{∣f∣>α})=df(max(α,γ)).=df(α)−dfγ(α)={0,df(α)−df(γ),α≥γα<γ.
Using (a) we obtain ∥fγ∥Lpp∥fγ∥Lpp=p∫0∞αp−1df(max(α,γ))dα=p(∫γ∞αp−1df(α)dα+∫0γαp−1df(γ)dα)=p∫γ∞αp−1df(α)dα+γpdf(γ).=p∫0γαp−1(df(α)−df(γ))dα=p∫0γαp−1df(α)dα−γpdf(γ).∫γ<∣f∣≤δ∣f∣pdμ=∥fδ∥Lpp−∥fγ∥Lpp=p∫γδαp−1df(α)dα−δpdf(δ)+γpdf(γ).
For q>p, from (b) and q−p−1>−1 we get ∥fγ∥Lqq=q∫0γαq−1df(α)dα−γqdf(γ)=qp∫0γαq−p−1∥f∥Lp,∞pdα−γqdf(γ)<∞.Plus, for q<p, from (b) and q−p−1<−1 we get ∥fγ∥Lqq=q∫γ∞αq−1df(α)dα+γqdf(γ)≤q∫γ∞αq−p−1∥f∥Lp,∞pdα+γqdf(γ)<∞.Finally, Lp,∞⫅Lp0+Lp1 is a direct consequence of f=fγ+fγ.
Take A=μ(E)−p1∥f∥Lp,∞, then we have ∫E∣f(x)∣qdμ(x)=q∫0Aαq−1df(α)dα+q∫A∞αq−1df(α)dα≤Aqμ(E)+q∫A∞αq−p−1∥f∥Lp,∞pdα=Aqμ(E)+p−qqAq−p∥f∥Lp,∞p=p−qpμ(E)1−pq∥f∥Lp,∞q.
Take E=X in the preceding problem, then this means Lp,∞(X,μ)⊂Lq(X,μ).
By Exercise 1.1.11 (a), we have ∣∣∣f∣∣∣Lp,∞=0<μ(E)<∞supμ(E)−r1+p1(∫E∣f∣rdμ)r1≤0<μ(E)<∞supμ(E)−r1+p1(p−rp)r1μ(E)r1−p1∥f∥Lp,∞≤(p−rp)r1∥f∥Lp,∞.
Choose an ascending chain of subsets Xn⊂X such that μ(Xn)<∞ and ⋃nXn=X. Now set E={∣f∣>α}∩Xn, we have ∣∣∣f∣∣∣Lp,∞≥μ(E)−r1+p1(∫E∣f∣rdμ)r1≥μ(E)−r1+p1(αrμ(E))r1=αdf(α)p1.Since α is arbitrary, we have ∥f∥Lp,∞≤∣∣∣f∣∣∣Lp,∞ for finite measure spaces Xn, and so for X by definition.
It’s easy to verify that ∣∣∣f∣∣∣ is a norm for p>1 by Minkowski’s inequality and taking proper r∈(1,p). When it comes to 0<p≤1, we have ∣∣∣⋅∣∣∣Lp,∞r to be the desired metric (but not a norm) which induces the same topology by observing the inequality after taking the power of r on all terms.
Since ∥∥n→∞liminf∣gn∣∥∥Lp,∞≤0<m(E)<∞supμ(E)−r1+p1(∫En→∞liminf∣gn∣rdμ)r1≤Fatou0<m(E)<∞supn→∞liminfμ(E)−r1+p1(∫E∣gn∣rdμ)r1≤n→∞liminf0<m(E)<∞supμ(E)−r1+p1(∫E∣gn∣rdμ)r1≤(p−rp)r1n→∞liminf∥gn∥Lp,∞.
By definition, ∥fσ∥L1,∞=ε>0supμ([Nσ−1(1)−1,Nσ−1(1)))(1N−ε)1=1.
Since σ∈SN∑fσ=N!(1+21+…+N1)χ[0,1).
If not, suppose ∥⋅∥ is an equivalent norm, that is, C1∥f∥≤∥f∥L1,∞≤C2∥f∥ for all f and some C1,C2>0. Then we have C1N!(1+21+…+N1)=C1∥σ∈SN∑fσ∥L1,∞≤∥σ∈SN∑fσ∥≤σ∈SN∑∥fσ∥≤C2σ∈SN∑∥fσ∥L1,∞=C2N!.This contradicts with the fact that 1+21+⋯+N1→∞ when N→∞.
Since ∫∣f∣≤s∣f∣qdμ=q∫0sαq−1df(α)dα≤q∫0s∥f∥Lp,∞pαq−p−1dα≤q−pqsq−p∥f∥Lp,∞p.
Since ∥∥1≤j≤mmax∣fj∣∥∥Lp,∞p=sup{γpd1≤j≤mmax∣fj∣(γ)}≤j=1∑msup{γpdfj(γ)}≤j=1∑m∥fj∥Lp,∞p.
Assume WLOG that ∥fj∥Lpj,∞=1 for all j. Now the estimate follows df1⋯fk(α)≤df1(s1α)+df2(s2s1)+⋯+dfk(1sk−1)≤(αs1)p1+⋯+(sk−11)pk.Take x1=αs1,x2=s1s2,⋯,xk=sk1, then we can rewrite it as df1⋯fk(α)≤x1p1+⋯+xkpk,where x1⋯xk=α1. Set x1p1=p1λ,⋯,xkpk=pkλ for some constant λ satisfying ∏j(pjλ)pj1=α1, and the right side becomes ∑jpjλ=p−1(α−1∏jpjpj1)p. Hence ∥f1⋯fk∥Lp,∞≤p−p1∏jpjpj1.
We skip the cases of θ=0,1 since there is nothing to prove.
If p1=∞, then (∫X∣f∣pdμ)p1=(∫X∣f∣p(1−θ)∣f∣pθdμ)p1≤(∫X∣f∣p(1−θ)p(1−θ)p0dμ)p01−θ(∫X∣f∣pθpθp1dμ)p1θ=∥f∥Lp01−θ∥f∥Lp1θ.And if p1=∞, then pp0=1−θ. Thus (∫X∣f∣pdμ)p1≤∥fp−p0∥L∞p1(∫X∣f∣p0dμ)p1=∥f∥Lp01−θ∥f∥L∞Lθ.
Since tpdf(t)=(tθ(1−η)pdf(t))θ(t1−θηpdf(t))1−θ,we have by definition that ∥f∥Lp,∞p≤∥f∥L1−θηp,∞η∥f∥Lθ(1−η)p,∞1−θ,where p0(1−θ)=ηp and p1θ=(1−η)p.
The n=2 case is nothing other than the n=2 Hölder’s inequality. For n≥3, suppose the proposition holds for k≤n−1, then for k=n, setP(x1,…,xn−1)=∫R∣f1(π1)(x)⋯fn−1(πn−1)(x)∣dxn,then Λ(f1,…,fn)≤∫Rn−1P(x1,…,xn−1)∣fn(πn)(x)∣dx1⋯dxn−1≤∥P∥Ln−2n−1(Rn−1)∥fn∘πn∥L1(Rn−1).Note that by the induction hypothesis, we should have ∥P∥Ln−2n−1(Rn−1)=(∫Rn−1(∫R∣f1(π1)(x)∣⋯∣fn−1(πn−1)(x)∣dxn)n−2n−1dx1⋯dxn−1)n−1n−2≤Ho¨lder(∫Rn−1i=1∏n−1(∫R∣fi(πi)(x)∣n−1dxn)n−21dx1⋯dxn−1)n−1n−2≤inductioni=1∏n−1(∫Rn∣fi(x)∣n−1dx1⋯dxn)n−11=i=1∏n−1∥fi∥Ln−1(Rn−1).Thus, Λ(f1,…,fn)≤∥P∥Ln−2n−1(Rn−1)∥fn∘πn∥L1(Rn−1)≤i=1∏n∥fi∥Ln−1(Rn−1).
Take fj=χπj[Ω], then the left–hand side is no less than ∫Rni=1∏n∣fi∘πi∣dx=∫Rnχπ1[Ω]⋯χπn[Ω]dx≥∫RnχΩdx=∣Ω∣.And the right–hand side is no more than i=1∏n∥fj∥Ln−1(Rn−1)=i=1∏n(∫Rn−1χπi[Ω]dx1⋯dxi⋯dxn)n−11=i=1∏n∣πi[Ω]∣n−11≤i=1∏n(21∣∂Ω∣)n−11=21−nn∣∂Ω∣n−1n.
1.2 Convolution and Approximate Identities
For g∈/AB, forbidding h∈A along with h−1g∈B, we have ∫Gf(h)g(h−1g)dh=0since at least one of f(h) and g(h−1g) vanishes.
Since tf∗g(x)=∫Gf(ty)g(y−1x)dy=∫Gf(y)g(y−1tx)d(ty)=∫Gf(y)g(y−1tx)d(y)=t(f∗g)(x).and f∗gt(x)=∫Gf(y)g(y−1xt)dy=(f∗g)t(x).
Since fχB(0,n)⟶Lpf.
Let φ∈Cc(Rn) be a positive function supported in B(0,1) with integral 1, then define φk(x)=knφ(kx), which are compactly supported smooth functions with integral 1 as well. Now we show φk∗f⟶Lpf, which is because ∥φk∗f−f∥Lpp=∫R∣∣∫Rφk(x−y)(f(x)−f(y))dy∣∣pdx≤Jensen∫R∫∣y−x∣<k1φk(x−y)∣f(x)−f(y)∣pdydx≤∫∣t∣<k1(∫R∣f(x)−f(x−t)∣pdx)φk(−t)dt≤∣t∣<k1sup∫R∣f(x)−f(x−t)∣pdx.Then apply the average continuity.
λ is a Haar measure because for any a>0, λ(aA)=∫aAtdt=∫Aatd(at)=∫Atdt=λ(A).
λ is a left Haar measure because for any (a,b)∈G, λ((a,b)A)=∫−∞+∞∫−∞+∞χ(a,b)A(x,y)x2dxdy=∫−∞+∞∫−∞+∞χ(a,b)A((a,b)(x,y))det(a00a)(ax)2dxdy=∫−∞+∞∫−∞+∞χA(x,y)x2dxdy=λ(A).ρ is a right Haar measure because for any (a,b)∈G, ρ(A(a,b))=∫−∞+∞∫−∞+∞χA(a,b)(x,y)∣x∣dxdy=∫−∞+∞∫−∞+∞χA(a,b)((x,y)(a,b))∣∣det(a0b1)∣∣∣ax∣dxdy=∫−∞+∞∫−∞+∞χA(x,y)∣x∣dxdy=ρ(A).
For the former, note that (here G denotes the group (R+,tdt)) ∥∣f(x)∣xp1∗x−p′1χ[1,∞)∥Lp(G)=(∫0∞(∫0∞∣f(t)∣tp1(t−1x)−p′1χ[1,∞)(t−1x)tdt)pxdx)p1=(∫0∞(x1∫0x∣f(t)∣dt)pdx)p1.And ∥∣f(x)∣xp1∥Lp(G)=(∫0∞(∣f(x)∣xp1)pxdx)p1=∥f∥Lp,∥x−p′1χ[1,∞)∥L1(G)=∫1∞x−p′1xdx=p−1p.Now combine with Minkowski’s inequality, ∥∣f(x)∣xp1∗x−p′1χ[1,∞)∥Lp(G)≤∥∣f(x)∣xp1∥L1(G)∥x−p′1χ[1,∞)∥Lp(G).The latter and Exercise 1.2.8 follow in a rather similar manner, so we omit the procedure.
By Young’s inequality, it’s quite straightforward to obtain ∥T∥Lp→Lp≤∥K∥L1. To show the inverse, we use KR:=KχB(0,R) to approximate the result. Note that for ∣x∣≤R(1−ε), we have B(0,Rε)⊂B(x,R). Thus ∫RnχR(x−y)KRε(y)dy=∫RnKRε(y)dy=∥KRε∥L1.We have ∥χR∥Lpp=∣B(0,R)∣p, and ∥K∗χR∥Lpp≥∥KRε∗χR∥Lp(B(0,R(1−ε)))p=∫B(0,R(1−ε))(∫RnKRε(y)χR(x−y)dy)pdx=∫B(0,R(1−ε))∥KRε∥L1pdx=(1−ε)n∥KRε∥L1p.This means∥T∥Lp→Lp≥(1−ε)pn∥KRε∥L1for each ε∈(0,1) and R>0. Let R→∞ and then ε→0+, we get ∥T∥Lp→Lp≥∥K∥L1.
By Young’s inequality, we obtain ∥T∥Lp→Lp≤∥K∥L1. For the inverse, take fn=χ[n1,n] and Kn=Kfn. Then for nε−1≤x≤n1−ε, we have fn∗Knε(x)=∫0∞Knε(y)fn(x−y)ydy=∥Knε∥L1.Thus ∥fn∥Lpp∥K∗fn∥Lpp≥2logn∥Knε∗fn∥Lp[nε−1,n1−ε]p=∥Knε∥L1p(1−ε).Letting n→∞, we have ∥T∥Lp→Lpp≥∥K∥L1p(1−ε); then ε→0+, we get ∥T∥Lp→Lp≥∥K∥L1.
(a) Since ck=(∫11(1−t2)kdt)−1<(∫−k1k1(1−t2)kdt)−1<(∫−k1k1(1−kt2)dt)−1=43k<k.Thanks to the adjustment given by ck, we have (Qk∗f−f)(x)=∫−11(f(x−t)−f(x))Qk(t)dt.Thus ∥Qk∗f−f∥L1=∫R∣∣∫−11(f(x−t)−f(x))Qk(t)dt∣∣dx≤∫R2∣f(x)−f(x−t)∣Qk(t)dtdx≤∫RQk(t)∥f(x)−f(x−t)∥L1dt.Due to the average continuity, we have δ>0 for each ε>0 such that ∥f(x)−f(x−t)∥L1<ε for ∣t∣<δ. Plus, we have k→∞limk(1−t2)k=0 uniformly for δ<∣t∣<1, thus take k large so that Qk(x)<ε for n>k, we have ∫RQk(t)∥f(x)−f(x−t)∥L1dt≤∫∣t∣≤δQk(t)∥f(x)−f(x−t)∥L1dt+∫∣t∣>δQk(t)∥f(x)−f(x−t)∥L1dt≤ε∥Qk∥L1+∫∣t∣>δQk(t)(∥f(x)∥L1+∥f(x−t)∥L1)dt≤(1+2∥f∥L1)ε.This ends the proof.
(b) Due to the uniform continuity, we choose δ>0 so that ∣f(x)−f(x−t)∣<ε for ∣t∣≤δ. Now for large k, we have ∣(Qk∗f−f)(x)∣=∣∣∫−11(f(x−t)−f(x))Qk(t)dt∣∣≤∫∣t∣≤δ∣f(x)−f(x−t)∣Qk(t)dt+∫∣t∣>δQk(t)∣f(x)−f(x−t)∣dt≤ε∥Qk∥L1+εx∈Rsupf(x)=ε(1+x∈Rsupf(x)),and note that the tending to 0 does not depend on the choice of δ.
(c)&(d) Set g(t)=f(t)−f(−1)−2t+1(f(1)−f(−1)), then g(−1)=g(1)=0. g can be viewed as satisfying the condition in (c) by zero extension outside [−1,1]. Thus g∗Qk→g uniformly. However, also note that this means g∗Qk+f(−1)+2x+1(f(1)−f(−1))→funiformly on [−1,1], and g∗Qk(x) is a polynomial in x, since g∗Qk(x)=∫−11g(t)ck(1−(x−t)2)kdt=j=0∑2k(∫−11g(t)dj,ktjdt)xj.
Another solution using the hint of convolution:L(f)(x)=∫0∞f(t)e−xtdt=∫0∞f(t1)e−txt2dt=∫0∞txe−tx⋅t1f(t1)tdt⋅x1=(te−t∗t1f(t1))(x)⋅x1.Thus taking norm and using Minkowski’s inequality we obtain∥L(f)∥L2(R+,dt)=∥te−t∗t1f(t1)∥L2(R+,tdt)≤∥te−t∥L1(R+,tdt)∥t1f(t1)∥L2(R+,tdt)=π∥f∥L2(R+,dt).
Remark. The norm is exactly π indeed. In fact, consider a sequence of functions fn(t)=t1χ[n1,n](t), we find ∥fn∥L2=2log(n). Compute the norms of transformed functions:∥L(fn)∥22=∫R+(∫n1nt1e−stdt)2ds=∫R+s1(∫nsnst1e−tdt)2ds.For arbitrary δ∈(0,1) fixed, we have∫R+s1(∫nsnst1e−tdt)2ds≥∫(n1)1−δn1−δs1(∫nsnst1e−tdt)2ds≥∫(n1)1−δn1−δs1(∫(n1)δnδt1e−tdt)2ds.For n sufficiently large, we have by the famous integral that∫(n1)δnδt1e−tdt≥π−ε,thus,∥L(fn)∥L22≥∫(n1)1−δn1−δsπ−εds=2log(n)(1−δ)(π−ε)2=∥fn∥L22(1−δ)(π−ε)2.Finally, take δ→0+ and ε→0+.