Solution to GTM249 Chapter 2 Part II

2.4 More About Distributions and the Fourier Transform


Any sequence of functionswhere is the unit vector with in the th entry and as converges pointwise toand is bounded by (use )which is expected to be integrable. Under such assumption, it follows from the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem thatIn other words,

Take for all multi–indices with sizes consecutively, which all satisfy the integrability hypothesis sincewhere .

Now we get the expression for , and therefore .


A bounded harmonic function, which is surely a tempered distribution, must be a polynomial by Corollary 2.4.3, and is a constant as all polynomials tend to as .

Suppose that is a polynomial on without any complex root. Then the entire function , which is a complex–valued harmonic function on , is bounded as it tends to as , and is therefore a constant by Liouville’s theorem for harmonic functions, yielding a contradiction.


is not in , as where is a smooth function that equals for and vanishes for , but does not converge.

For all ,by Proposition 2.2.6, so is in by Proposition 2.3.4 (b).


Recall that . We need to show thatLetIntegrate over the rectangle contour with corners , , and , using that and that the integral of over the two vertical sides goes to as since when , we getand proceed our calculation as follows:


Let be a smooth function the support of whose Fourier transform is and let be a real-valued smooth nonconstant periodic function with period , which we can make further assumptions upon later. Then take a family of Schwartz functionsClearly it is an uncountable family of Schwartz functions such that for all and , and we will show that the ’s are linearly independent, which will be addressed later, and that . To this end, we expand the function in the Fourier seriesThenso

Since the functions are supported in mutually disjoint intervals , we havewhere is the integer such that , which shows that is independent of .

Now we return to the linear independence of the ’s, under certain additional assumption on . Suppose thatfor some distinct . Let coincide with on , thenby the uniqueness of meromorphic functions as the left side equals for (hence ). Taking where gives .


We are going to verify that satisfies the mean value property and is continuous on . The two properties together imply that is harmonic. (Sketch: On any ball consider the difference of such a function and the harmonic function solving the Dirichlet problem where the boundary–value is given by its confinement, which supposedly attains its nonzero maximum or minimum on a closed set, at the farthest point away from the center of the ball of which the mean value property fails.)

First establish the mean value property: for a ball in centering at ,where and a slash through an integral denotes an average.

Then check its continuity:as , where and is easily confirmed by, say, the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem.

To show that , it suffices to show that their Fourier transforms agree. Indeed, applying Proposition 2.2.11 (8) and Exercise 2.2.11, so


(a) Observe that is harmonic is equivalent to is harmonic, whereis a linear combination of the harmonic function and its partial derivatives for , and for .

Alternatively, one may calculate directly as follows:in which the calculation of deserves elaboration:

(b) For such that , we haveThentends to uniformly in as .

(c)where the first equality is justified by the illustration below, and the second by the mean value property of the integrand which is the harmonic function and .

(d) The harmonicity of is easily shown by taking the Laplacian inside the integral; the continuity of at the boundary is a consequence of the observation in part (b) that the Poisson kernel is massed at as — to put it more clearly, by part (c) we havefirst choose small enough so that the first term is vanishingly small by the continuity of , and then for the fixed , let so that the second term becomes vanishingly small as well by part (b).


(a) In Appendix D.4 the following identity is obtained:

Since is invariant under the rotation that carries to , we get

(b) Notice thatwhere is the stereographic projection in Appendix D.6, in the first equality the so–called interesting formula is used, and the last equality is by (a), from which we deduce that the Jacobian of is (instead of as Appendix D.6 claims).

Now we give a proof of the formula for .

Observe that with a scale denoted by aswhere and are the north pole and the south pole. Since we get


Theorem 2.4.6 establishes the formula

that is,



(a) This is because for all rotations and , by Proposition 2.2.11 (13),

(b) Now the identity above holds for all rotations which keep fixed.


The translation and a dilation with a rotation that carries to reduce matters to the case that and . We prove the identity by showing that the Fourier transforms in of both sides coincide.

First take the Fourier transform on the right side, setting aside its coefficient, and getLet be a rotation that transforms to , then the expression above is equal towhere .

Next take the Fourier transform on the left side, and get

Since and it remains to show that , which explains what part (b) of the preceding exercise is for.


(a) On we have , and henceThen we get from that

(b) Enough to deal with the case of , and the general case is its mere multiplication. When ,

2.5 Convolution Operators on Spaces and Multipliers


By the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, s.t.Let . Then for , the supports of and are disjoint, soLet tend to to come to the required conclusion.


To verify Proposition 2.5.14, we haveNote that , then the proof is similar with that of .


(a)By Young’s inequality,(b) Since is essentially bounded, by Fubini’s theorem, Therefore where in the last inequality the first property of Proposition 2.5.14 is used.


(a) Notice that , which shows that the operator is continuous as it is bounded. But is a homeomorphism on , which implies that is continuous.

(b) When , , implying that there is no nontrivial element.

When , for ,By the condition, the coefficient is unbounded when varies.


Let . From Theorem 1.4.25,


(a) We only need to consider the case of . Note that By the Lebsegue dominated convergence theorem,By Fatou’s lemma,Therefore,

(b) Let , then .

Note that , so by part (a),

(c) Obviously, Therefore,

(d) By Fubini’s theorem and Minkowski’s inequality, we see that


The lower bound for is to guarantee that so that is indeed a function.


(a) Using Exercise 1.2.9, we have(b)By part (a),Consider the integral of along the path below, which is the boundary of half of an annulus. Since near , Since on the upper half–plane,As has no singularity in the domain enclosed, we haveHence . ThenNote that , then by Exercise 2.5.6 (b),


from which we know (a) is equivalent to (b).

For a sequence that satisfies (c), it is easy to see . Let be the operatorWrite the cube , . Note thatso , so is defined almost everywhere.This implies

For a sequence , take . Then Here we use Hölder’s inequality. This implies . So (a) is equivalent to (c).


Let , by the invariance of norm under translation, we can assume that is supported in . Since is in and is compactly supported, it lies in and hence it has a Fourier expansion. WriteThenLet to be determined later. Define the operatorsConsider where (The exchange of sum and integral is from the convergence of the series in .) Thus if we pick a function equal to on . Therefore the operator is given by convolution with the sequence .

It is obvious that , and by Hölder’s inequality, . So we haveThe last inequality comes from Exercise 2.5.3, and the required conclusion comes from Exercise 2.5.9.


By Proposition 2.4.8, , and is homogenous of degree . Let , thenSo


Consider . Note thatSo maps to with norm no more than .So maps with norm no more than .

Observe that . By the multilinear interpolation theorem (see GTM250 pp.516-7), we havewhich implies that


By Exercise 2.4.12, . Let , thenwhich implies is of strong type. Plus,which implies is of strong type.

Consequently by the Riesz–Thorin interpolation theorem, is of strong type.

If were of strong type for some , for , we could assume that . Then by Riesz–Thorin again, is of strong type withThis is surely not true.

2.6 Oscillatory Integrals


Since is continuous, it can assumed that is positive. Replacing with in Proposition 2.6.7 leads to the required conclusion.


Let .

It is easy to seeLet , for any , by Kroncker’s lemma (4.2.2), there exists such that , and choose such that .

Modify in the -neighborhood of to make smooth, choose sufficiently small, we get the counterexample.



(a) Apply Exercise 2.6.1 to the intervals and , and notice that , we reach the conclusion.

(b) Similar to part (a).

(c) Choose .


(a) Notice thatBy Exercise 2.2.9, we come to the required conclusion.

(b)By part (a), we come to the required conclusion.

(c) When , it is trivial. When , it follows from the same argument in part (a).

When , let , and split the domain of integration into the sets and .

When use part (b) and in the case use Corollary 2.6.8, noting that


(a)(b) Split into and . Apply Proposition 2.6.7 with to the former one, and to the other.


We can assume that , for otherwise let . On the interval apply Proposition 2.6.7 with , and on the interval with .