试卷: 代数几何初步

12024 秋季


Let be an algebraically closed field. Let be a hypersurface of degree .

Is a connected scheme?

How many irreducible components can maximally have?

Compute the dimension of .


Consider the action of on by Set to be the orbit space.

Show that there is a natural scheme structure on .

Is nonsingular? If not, find the singular point.

Compute the class group of .


Let be a quasi–coherent sheaf on a Noetherian scheme .

Show that the locus is an open subset of .

Show that is locally free if and only if is a free -module for all .


Let be the intersection of two quadric surfaces given by

Compute the Picard group of .

Show there is only trivial morphism from to the Fermat curve .


Let be a field. Let be the image of under the map

Show that is smooth and is not a complete intersection if , i.e. it is not an intersection of hypersurfaces.

Show that is not contained in any linear subspace of .

Show that if there exists another smooth curve and is not contained in any linear subspace of , then there exists a change of coordinates such that .